Chapter 24

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Victor has not let Zac, Adam or Lyncon go. His need to keep everyone close shows that things are in dire straits right now, but the information about Prime Industries definitely gave them a huge push into Victor's good books.

I have tried to think of how I'm going to breach the conversation with Holly and Victor hasn't helped much with all the work he's given me. Finding time to eat or sleep is hard enough, let alone finding time to have a conversation or to catch up with my friends. The only thing keeping me from losing my mind is knowing my friends are now with the kids so I know they are at least safe for now.

Since all the other sections of Victor's organization have mostly been severed the only one left is the boat yards, making my life a little easier with only having one to look after but harder that this is the end of the line and I'm here most of the time.

I decide to drop in to see Bonney today as I haven't seen her in over a week. Since she has been here I haven't seen much of her, but unfortunately I've been desensitised being here so much, making it only to easy now to be in a room with her while she is naked and being fucked and tortured.

She now has no fingers or toes and her ears have been disfigured without damaging her ability to hear. One eye was carved out with a spoon which I honestly thought she would die from but somehow she has hung in there. I refused the other eye to be removed as I wanted her to be able to see what was happening, and now she is nothing more than a disfigured sex doll.

I move around the room as I watch several old, fat, Asian men fuck her in her widened pussy while a big African man fucks her in the ass. I feel a little discomfort for her when I see him remove himself from her after he's done and find he's hung like a horse. The moment he's out another man takes his place.

She has obviously been fucked so many times she doesn't even make a sound anymore. I look into her swollen face that looks nothing like my mother's anymore. Her eye has not been cleaned well from when she lost her eye and the missing clumps of her hair that have been ripped from her head don't help at all.

Her wrists that are still chained up are not even visible through the vast amount of blood covering the chains. The three old men finish up and let her legs down when they are done with her.

I raise my hand to stop the next lot of guys from coming in and wait for the last guy to finish. As the man before him was obviously bigger it made things difficult for him to finish and instead he just jacks off on her.

Once everyone has left the room I move towards her. The smell is uninviting, a strong stench of come, shit and piss, hers and men that have used her as a toilet. Despite the smell and her disfigured looks, men have still been coming in by the boat loads to fuck, torture, beat and piss on her. Obviously Mr Tanaka was not the only man she pissed off.

"Tell me what happened to my son and ill make this end now." My voice is soft and gentle.

She raises her head with great difficulty. Her one good eye locks on to me.

"Please tell me. How did my son die?"

A tear trickles down her cheek. "David had watery diarrhea, vomiting and stomach pains for a few days before I picked up something was wrong. When I finally got a doctor in to see him I found that he was too far gone for me to save him."

Her voice is cracked and raspy so I walk away to the corner of the room and get her a glass of water. When I return I put the cool glass to her dried cracked lips. She tries to drink faster than her starved throat would allow, causing her to cough.

"I wanted so badly to have a second chance of being a mother and I failed. David died because I dared to love him." Her words sound true and remorseful. "I was so wrapped up in getting what I wanted I didn't look at what I had until it was too late. After that I didn't know how to be anything else. I thought with another child with my blood was the closest I would get."

I listen to her intently as she struggles to get each word out and when she stops I give her a sip of water, urging her to tell me more.

"Once David's skin changed in colour and thickness I knew there was something seriously wrong. That's when I found out he had been poisoned with arsenic. At first I thought someone was trying to kill him but after he had died at the hospital I had come back home to find a large amount of my servants missing. That's when I was grabbed and quickly brought back here when they found out one of the plants we owned was being investigated for high levels of arsenic in the drinking water. It never touched me because I never drank tap water and the very power I fought to get killed my second chance and sent every agent to my front door." Her eyes water and I know it's the truth. "Since Frank was already dying I knew there was not much they could do to imprison him so I used Frank to get out and came back here but some company had written an affidavit exonerating him of all wrongdoings, forcing me on the run. But that didn't last long, now did it?" She tried a dry chuckle causing her to cough. "I've told you everything. Please put me out of my misery," she begs.

I move to the far wall and find the hose. I turn it on and let the water flow over her, washing all the body fluids from her. After she is cleaned I wrap a clean towel around her and move to her shackles and release them. The blood has dried on to the cuffs causing her wounds to open up when I pull them free. She doesn't cry or flinch but she does draw in a breath when her arms are let down.

Besides the times she is held up so she can be fucked, this is the only time In the last two weeks that she has had her arms down. Obviously the feeling is overwhelmingly good.

Her legs don't have the strength to hold her, so I let her down gently to the floor as I sit with her, cradling her body. I feel her hand stagger up to mine that holds her waist.

My body goes stiff at the thought of what she is trying to do. Even though she is beyond damaged I still don't trust her. When her hand settles on mine I get confused.

"I can feel you tensing. I really did mess up for you to hate me so, didn't I? In my last moments can't you just pretend you loved me for even a moment?"

"But I did love you."

She scoffs.

"I did. I wanted nothing more than to please you. I had hoped one day I would make you smile the way you smiled for others but you never did, not once. After I watched everyone I ever got close to die or disappear I lost hope that day would ever come."

"Do you remember the dog you made me out of clay in primary school?"

"Yes, you said it looked more like a pig than a dog and had more luck turning into bacon than into something worth treasuring."

"I did say that, didn't I? That reminds me, when I die please cremate me and wherever you throw me can I at least be with my most prized treasure please. In the family vault behind the back red curtain you will find a glass cabinet on a red velvet pillow you will find it. I know I don't deserve anything from you, but please if you could find it in your heart, I really love ... you." Her hand slips from mine. Her chest no longer rises and falls, her body going limp.

"Goodbye Mum." It gets to me that in her last moments she was more of a mother to me than she was my entire life.

After a few moments I finally rise to my feet, taking her body with me. I open the door and find Doug and Theo are at the door. Theo holds out his arms to me, offering to take my mother's body.

I hold her for a moment longer and know I have to let go. "Can you take care when cremating her? And I want her ashes please." Theo nods his head acknowledging my request and Doug does the same.

Once they are out the door my phone vibrates in my pocket. I retrieve it and read the message.

Get out now.

A cold chill runs down my spine, but I don't waste time when a second one follows shortly after.

Get out now! They are coming.

I am barely out the gate and down the road when what looks like the entire police force is screeching into the shipping yard.

My heart is racing at how close they were from finding me there. Who the hell sent me the message and how did they know and why did they warn me?

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