♯ discount

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「 20:50 — IHOP 」

you were humming a song while
cleaning up the tables knowing that
your shift was almost over.

your coworker keiko wasn't working
with you today so you couldn't exactly
leave early if you wanted to.

the door to the restaurant jingled
and you ignored whoever came in,
continuing to do your job.

hinata shoyo

your body stiffened from the voice of
your roommate and you slowly turn around
in surprise. because not only was it just your
roommate, it was also what seemed to
be his teammates.

"uhh, what the fuck are you doing here?"

"and why is he here with you?"

shoyo blinked, not being completely
sure if you were serious or not. he watched
you stare down suna in silence, the rest of
teammates not knowing what the fuck
is going on.

hinata shoyo
"a-are you being serious right now?"

hinata shoyo
"like, i can't tell..."

"yes, i'm being completely serious, sho."

once again, shoyo blinked knowing
that you had a thing for sarcasm. he stared
at you in confusion and was now contemplating
if whether he brought in his teammates
on the wrong day.

he was sure you said tuesday...

you did.

"okay, first off, what's happenin'?
why does suna look scared and
look like he's about to murder her?"

??? (2)
"yeah, i thought we came here
for food, i'm hungryyy."

??? (3)
"okay, bokuto you'll get your food, relax."

??? (3)
"suna you can sort out your private
indecencies elsewhere, we're hungry."

the blonde hair placed a hand on
the chest of the one with black curly hair.

"nuh-uh, what the hell is
happening here? this is creepy."

"i would appreciate if you would
stop looking at me."

"it really brings down a woman's
confidence when another man such
as you is staring at me."

you eye suna.

suna rintarou
"i don't think you had much
confidence to begin with."

"oh, fuck you, slug walker."

"you're teammates will be enjoying
a meal that's been discounted by me
while you can pay the tax."

suna scoffed.

suna rintarou
"okay, that's just unfair."

suna rintarou
"you're doing this over a personal
grudge that was based on a fucking joke."

you looked to the left and the right
before flipping him off.

"yeah... and i'll do it every
time you come here."

"stick your shitty joke up your ass
and choke on two of these."

you grin, flipping him off with both
hands. suna rolled his eyes and turned
to his teammates.

suna rintarou
"dude, hinata obviously did
this to fuck with me."

hinata shoyo
"what? no i didn't! i was just
hungry and i knew she would
give us discounts."

he laughed off, knowing fully well
you were the one who told him to bring
his teammates here.

suna rintarou

suna rintarou
"we can get better food at
a better place."

the blonde hair pushed suna aside.

"sooooo can we still get
that discount, sweetheart?"

you and hinata simultaneously cringed.

hinata shoyo
"please, tsumu-san... don't
hit on my roommate."

??? (3)
"yeah, it's not necessary
for you to be horny every
where you go."

"i— all i said was sweetheart!!"

you rolled your eyes.

"i'll give you guys the
discount, don't worry."

"aside from you."

suna clicked his tongue.

suna rintarou
"yeah, yeah, whatever."

once you wrote down everyone's order
you were quick to have it all done and ready
within a ten minute time span.

??? (2)
"ohhhh, niceee! miko's
gonna love these!"

??? (3)
"alright, let's get going."

suna followed behind the two boys
who had already left the restaurant once
thanking you for the food.

suna rintarou
"i'm gonna write a complaint
about you under the google page."

you keep a smile on your face, while
angling your middle finger towards him.

"byeeee, have a nice day!"

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