♯ inarizaki reunion

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HEY IM BACK! here's a little chapter for you fuckers it's the weekend so this is all i can produce rn. if you've started school HOW IS IT?? and what grade/year r u in 😧? i'm in 11th btw :)

*suna's pov



miya atsumu

lani and kaydence crossed
their arms, looking at the group of
men in front of them.

hayashi lani

"atsumu, stop."

miya atsumu

miya atsumu
"we're all thinkin' the
same thing! don't lie."

akagi michinari
"what the hell are you
guys on about?"

"no, only asshole's would
think like you."

ojiro aran
"no wonder ya know
what he's talkin' about."

suna rolled his eyes and osamu

aran lifted a brow, looking over
at osamu.

ojiro aran
"i bet you know what they're
talkin' about too, huh?"

osamu straight lipped, scratching
the back of his head.

miya osamu

miya osamu
"b-but don't ya know what
we mean?"

aran smiled but shook his head no.

ojiro aran
"nope, because i'm not an asshole."

suna snorted.

"fuck offff."

kita shinsuke
"now i can see why hitoshi
ain't wanna come."

ojiro aran
"i just wanted to go eat."

it was confusing to watch them talk amongst
themselves. they did it all the time and
it made it hard to keep up. lani and kaydence
didn't share their mind that was filled with
clown behavior.

well— it was more kaydence to be
mature than lani.

atsumu picked up on their
confused expression, being the first
to tell them what they were
talking about.

miya atsumu
"you guys look pretty."


kaydence furrowed her eyebrows.

murakami kaydence
"the fuck?"

murakami kaydence
"do we not look pretty all the time?"

atsumu laughed.

miya atsumu
"nah, y'all look like
the grinches all the time."

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