♯ you think my face is pretty?

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suna sighed, finishing up the
last of his essay you basically forced
him to do since he kept bothering you
while you tried to do yours.

"did you finish?"

he watched you twirl in your desk
chair through the face time call and
nodded with a small yawn.

suna rintarou


"do you wanna read
it over to me?"

"i can probably add on
a few more things if you
feel like something's

he leaned in close to his
device and squinted his eyes
at you.

suna rintarou
"am i actually talking to l/n?"

you said nothing, but raised
your brow trying to figure out
what he meant.

suna smiled a bit at your

suna rintarou
"you usually tell me to
fuck off and do my own

suna rintarou
"fuck off, leave me alone, i
can't keep doing everything
for you."

you scoffed, rolling your
eyes, slightly embarrassed at the
fact he tried to mock your voice
and what you would usually say
to him.

"fuck you."

"i don't sound like that."

suna laughed in return placing
his hands behind his head and leaning
back with a smug smile on his face.

suna rintarou
"yes you do."

suna rintarou
"it's not anything bad
though... it's a little cute

your face contorted into disgust.


"anyway, how's osamu?"

he hummed, contemplating
his answer.

suna rintarou
"better since he and atsumu
worked it out awhile ago."

suna rintarou
"but he really loves miko so
them fighting is a pretty big

you frowned.

"that sucks."

"is she his first girlfriend?"

suna shrugged, licking his lips.

suna rintarou
"i think so? at least if he did
it wasn't important enough for
me to know about."

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