♯ pick me boy

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「 10:21 — GAS STATION 」

you sighed tiredly, parking your
car and looking through your glove
compartment for a mask.

you find the medical tool and make
a mental self note to buy more.

you put on your mask, sanitizing
your hands, bringing your wallet with
you as you entered the store of the
gas station.

you looked around for the few items
that yachi and hinata requested, quickly
grabbing them. you pursed your lips searching
for what you wanted and smiled upon
seeing your favorite drink.

you hummed, opening the freezer
door and wanting to grab the drink,
but it was on the high shelf.

"uh... hey."

you looked over at the cashier
who directed their attention
towards you.

"i'm trying to get the
[favorite drink] up top,
but i can't reach it."

"is there some out back or
is there someone that could
help me get it?"

"uhh, actually i can
get it for you just give
me a sec to handle this

"oh! sure, thank you."

he hummed, handling the cash while
you leaned against the cold freezer
doors. you pulled out your phone, answering
your messages, ignoring the fact that
someone had come into the store.

the faint sound of the jingle
playing when someone opens the
door rings your ear.

"okay, literally fuck you."

"all you do is bully me, if
you didn't want to come then
you should have said so."

"i should have just brought
samu, you're such a meanie

??? (2)
"okay, hey, saucy, relax."

??? (2)
"i was kidding, jesus i swear
you always take me seriously."

"yeah, well you can get
really mean and your tone
surely doesn't help."

??? (2)
"but you should know
i'm kidding, miko."

??? (2)
"when have i ever actually
said anything mean to you?"

"just now! i'm sick of
it. i'm telling samu so
you can leave me alone."

??? (2)
"okay, well, fuck you too."

??? (2)
"i'm gonna go get [favorite drink]."

??? (2)
"remember to get some pickled
plums for omi and tsumu."

"yeah, okay, whatever."

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