♯ fired

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「 14:50 — IHOP 」

"what do you mean, i'm fired?"

takada yua
"you got five complaints in
one night and other people
who come in the shop also
complain about your attitude."

you adjust your mask, feeling frustrated.

"five complaints?"

you scoff.

"from who?"

takada yua
"it was on the google page and yelp."

takada yua
"plus i'm pretty sure sasaki
said that she received a call
about someone complaining
about you."

"the fuck?"

you furrowed your brows.

"keiko said someone filed
a complaint about me?"

takada yua
"yeah! apparently yesterday a
customer came in and you were
being awfully rude. you even
stuck the middle finger at them?"

takada yua
"what's going on with you?"


you roll your eyes.

"the bitch keiko wasn't even
here yesterday! if anything
she's the problem."

"i swear if i see her i'm—"

takada yua
"hey! listen, you aren't
going to do anything."

takada yua
"you're fired. i can't keep
covering for your mistakes
especially when it could cost
me my job."

you rub your forehead and scoff a laugh.

you were honestly done with this job
and it was falling apart at the hands of a
guy you absolutely hated from your
calculus class and a girl you worked with.

"so keiko, the fake bitch who
literally sucks up to everyone
in here gets to stay, but i

"we're also in the middle of a
fucking pandemic, yua! where
else am i going to get a fucking
job in this worldwide issue
where people are losing their
jobs every fucking second?"

takada yua
"okay. first off, watch
your tone, please."

takada yua
"this is exactly why you're
getting fired. you have no filter
which led in your complaints."


you stood up from the chair
she ordered you to sit in.

"that's not why i'm getting fired.
both you and keiko are fucking suck
ups and refuse to see that i'm not
gonna let a person talk to me any
way they want."

takada yua

"no, honestly yua. both of
you fucking suck."

"fuck you, i'm glad i'm
getting fired."

"it's better than being here."

you gathered your purse, phone
and other belongings before
flipping her off as she was left
with no words.

"send the other finger
to keiko for me."

「 15:15 — YOUR APARTMENT 」

"toka! sho!"

you slammed the apartment door
closed. you were obviously angry
considering you just got fired at the
hands of people you already hated.

hinata shoyo
"uhhh, what's happening?
why do you look so angry?"

"where's your phone?"

shoyo fumbled to get his phone out
his pocket. he was nervous with you
being significantly angry. it was rare
to see you in this form so he decided
against questioning you.

you unlock his device and search
through his contacts finding the
one you wanted.

you put the phone on speaker as you
heard the dial tone. yachi walked in the
midst of you making the call and
mouthed to shoyo, questioning what
was happening.

he was just as confused and frantically
shrugged his shoulders.

you huffed finally hearing the
pickup tone and the familiar voice
of suna rintarou.

suna rintarou
"hello? what's up, man?"

"fuck you!!"

suna rintarou
"oh, christ."

suna rintarou
"are you that desperate to talk
to me? you had to call me from
your roommates pho—"

"no, listen to me you fucking
hunchback of notre dame!"

"if you actually thought it was
funny to get me fired with the
current issue we're in then you're
the fucking problem."

"you are the bane of my existence and
are the reason why i fucking despise
men and people in general."

suna rintarou
"okay, what? i didn't know
you got fired."

suna rintarou
"i never intended for that especially
when i was joking just like how i was
about the whole takis thing."

"i thought i told you to quit the
shitty comedian act!"

"you're not funny and now
you're costing me my life
and fucking bills."

"all because of a childish

"i got fucking fired because
of you, asshole."

"so, i hope you're laughing now."

suna rintarou
"what—? i never even—"

"shut up! i just want you to
know i hate you and i hope that
you'll never see me again."

you hung up without letting
him get another word in.

you huffed giving shoyo back his
phone and looking at your two
roommates who were struck with
shock and surprise.

yachi and shoyo
"you got fired?"

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