♯ just you and me

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「 13:25 — CAMPUS 」

you sighed, walking out
of class as the professor
dismissed everyone.

your mood was a bit dimmed
down, but you believed it to
be your fault.

after suna hurriedly rushed out
of work on saturday, you hadn't
heard from him since.

you refused to call him as you
would have to face of the embarrassment
of him possibly putting the pieces
together that you like him.

it was scary.

you were making your
moves, but all in all it made
you nervous.

you would have class with him after
lunch and you weren't sure what you
were going to say to him, but you also
had kimiko so maybe it wouldn't
be that bad.

suna rintarou

you froze at the sudden call out
of your name.

especially from him.

you slowly turned around, looking
around the crowd of students to find

suna rintarou
"over here, dummy!"


you furrowed your brows,
not being able to find him.

suna rintarou
"turn to your right
one more time!"

you did as he said and felt
annoyed that you still couldn't
see him.

"suna, i don't—!"

you yelped as cold hands reached
over your eyes, blocking your vision
so suddenly.

suna rintarou
"i'm right here."

he whispered, leaning closer to
speak into your ear.

suna rintarou
"and you're supposed to
call me rin, remember?"

you reached your hands up to
pry his away from your eyes.


you strayed your eyes
away from his once you
turned around.

suna rintarou
"you alright?"

you hummed, nodding
your head.

suna rintarou
"you didn't call me like i
asked you to."

suna rintarou
"what happened? you didn't text
or call me yesterday either."

you frowned.

"i know."

"sorry, i just didn't feel
good once i got home
so i just slept in."

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