♯ the least i could do

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saito kimiko

saito kimiko
i don't know if you remember me,
but i was in that groupchat with suna
when he said something rude about
the way you were eating...

saito kimiko
i wanted to apologize considering
that i'm his friend and i shouldn't
have let him say that stuff about you

saito kimiko
especially when he asked you to join
the group for homework and such

saito kimiko
it's also fine if you don't forgive me

saito kimiko
i just felt bad about the whole thing
and i even heard from my boyfriend
that suna got you fired which i didn't
expect from him

saito kimiko
you might get a few messages from my
other friends who were in that groupchat.

saito kimiko
once again seriously super sorry about
the whole thing.


l/n y/n

l/n y/n
sorry i was taking notes for this class.

l/n y/n
it's like you have to completely pay
attention or you won't get it at all

l/n y/n
honestly,, you don't have to apologize
at all. you weren't entirely at fault here.
i noticed you trying to stick up for me
so it's completely fine

saito kimiko
thank god

saito kimiko
i just feel really bad about the
whole thing especially your job

l/n y/n
it's all finee

l/n y/n
even with the job my friends found
me a new one, but unfortunately suna
works there too so that's a bummer

saito kimiko

saito kimiko
how'd you end up working there??

l/n y/n
honestly when i got there i was shocked

l/n y/n
turns out they wanted to fuck with
suna but it's bad for me cause i have
to work around him

saito kimiko
oh no

saito kimiko
good luck with that fucker

saito kimiko
he lives with my boyfriend so
i see him everyday

saito kimiko
i love suna but he's literal hell

saito kimiko
the people he works with are just
as insane so don't be frightened

l/n y/n
oh god

l/n y/n
thanks for the heads up and the apology

l/n y/n
you're really kind

saito kimiko
it's the least i could do

saito kimiko
i know that this conversation is
probably distracting you, i don't
mind sending you my notes later

l/n y/n
oh really???

l/n y/n
that's super cool, thank you

saito kimiko
no problem :)

saito kimiko
just hit me up whenever you
need anything <3
liked by l/n y/n

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