♯ are you scared of snakes?

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*sorry to the people who hate snakes.



as all the kids had left for the
day, you sighed, opening your locker and
gathered your belongings.

nakamura elle
"yo, l/n!"

you turned seeing elle
and smiled.

she was clearly in a rush as they
panted a bit, signaling they ran to you.
before speaking she adjusted the strap
of her bag.

"hey, what's up?"

nakamura elle
"you leaving?"

"yeah, i just got my stuff."


nakamura elle
"kay told me rin left his
psych book..."

nakamura elle
"i thought he would've
been in here, but he's not...
which sucks cause keiji's the
one taking us home..."

nakamura elle
"do you mind giving this to
him? i don't wanna keep them

she held the book and you
carefully slipped it out their hands
before nodding.

"yeah, sure."

"i think i saw him heading
towards the cafeteria so i'll
try looking there."

nakamura elle
"cool, thanks! i'll
see ya around, yeah?"

you hummed in approval at
her statement and waved goodbye
before making your way towards
the cafeteria.

you pushed open the doors and
peaked your head inside, gazing
around to catch the familiar
messy brown hair.

suna rintarou


his voice suddenly popped
up behind you and you were
quick to turn around then
step back.

there he was with a few jelly
sticks in hand.

"what the fuck?"

"you can't sneak up on people
like that, asshole."

you placed a hand over your
heart as if it would stop the erratic

suna ripped the package open
with his teeth and sucked in the
sweet snack before chewing.

suna rintarou
"my bad... i just came
from getting these out the
vending machine."

suna rintarou
"what're you still doing here?"

"i could ask you the
same thing..."

you held out his notebook.

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