♯ because you got rejected?

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「 22:15 — IHOP 」


the taste of blood welled up in your
mouth from taking a few measly punches
of keiko. you were surprised by how
hard she hit when she produced herself to be
fragile, but you were aware that your
punches had a far better attack.

with her barely being able to stand
up, it seemed as though she was desperate
to knock you down, but that wouldn't
happen anytime soon with how weak
she was hitting you.

"give up, keiko..."

you breathe in, the air seeming
shallow. perhaps she hit you in the
nose. your mind wasn't very
clear at the moment.

sasaki keiko
"shut up."

she spat blood out her mouth.

you sigh, attempting to grab keiko's
arm to pin her down on the ground,
but she quickly, used the rest of her body
strength to ram herself into you.

"what the hell?!"

you pushed her off of you, groaning
from the impact of your back hitting
the solid ground.

you failed to notice the attention
that was surrounding the fight as more
people began pointing and noticing
what was happening.

some weren't sure what to do and
in any case you assumed that either
the employees of the restaurant were
going to come out or someone
called the cops.

out of frustration you didn't
understand, keiko pushed you back
down, fisting your shirt tightly in
her hands.

"get the fuck off me!"

you reached your arms out to
push her again, but she only pinned
your back down against the ground
once more.

sasaki keiko
"this is all your fault!"

sasaki keiko
"you put this upon yourself."

your face furrowed.


"what the fuck are you—"

sasaki keiko
"just listen!"

her grip tighter than before.

sasaki keiko
"he liked me! not you!"

sasaki keiko
"yet somehow, there's
always someone that tries
to get in the way."

sasaki keiko
"it's not fair!"

you pushed her off, highly confused
by her words.

she made a small sound as she stumbled
back and hit the floor.

"the hell are you talking

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