♯ the simplest way

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「 22:13 . YOUR SHARED HOME 」

you were positive of shouyou being
asleep, but a possibility of yachi being
completely awake and cramming in some
drafts of her designs as usual.

you on the other hand had just
gotten home from spending the night
at suna's place.

you would probably be going over soon
again, but kimiko told you to only come over
whenever she has her days off. yes she was
a little bit jealous of suna seeing you more
than her.

you were careful to rush to your
room without making any major
okay noise.

however, you flinch as the ringtone to
your phone goes off and starts blaring
around the room. you quickly turn the ringer
off, not even completely sure as to why it
was on in the first place.

you look at the screen of your phone and
see a facetime call from suna. you answered
and felt your heart skip a beat as you saw his
face close up on the camera. he was walking
around the house and came to a halt, pulling
the phone away to show the small smile that
decorated his face.


you spoke softly, sitting on the edge
of your bed as you used one hand to hold
your phone and the other to take off
your shoes.

suna rintarou

suna rintarou
"you got home safe?"

you nodded.

"uh, yeah, i just got home."

suna raised a brow.

suna rintarou
"you got there kinda late."

suna rintarou
"when'd you leave the house?"

you laughed lightly.

"kimiko didn't want me to
leave and kept asking me to
stay for a little bit longer."

"what're you doing?"

"i didn't get to see you before i
left, what happened? i thought
practice ended at eight?"

suna rintarou
"it does, we just wanted to play
a small game of rec so we got home
like around nine thirty-ish? then i
showered and now here i am calling you."

you smile, standing up and
stacking your shoes away.

"that's good."

there was a small silence
before you decided to ask
something else.

"uh... i'm assuming you
didn't eat yet?"

suna hummed with a small
smile, thinking it'd be fun to tease you
about caring about his well being.

suna rintarou
"not yet, but i will don't worry."

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