Chapter Thirteen

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Karisma's POV

I had went straight home. Sorry Kane but your dad is really scary, your mom sounds really scary, your sister pops up at bad times and your brother is annoying.

I had quickly got dressed and had walked around then decided to go to the store and bought snacks. I saw Cassie. "Karisma" she says coming to me. I glared at her.

"I'm so sorry, for the way I've been treating you....but!...but I found something to make up for my honest--, I mean Rudeness" she corrected.

"But you have to get in my car and come to my house to you what it is" she says, happily. Usually happily. "Sure" I say a bit uncertain. I got in the car and she drove to her house. We got out and went straight to her room . She went in her Closet and pulled out a big bag and dumped the stuff that was inside the bag onto the bed. 

It was loads of drugs. I looked at Cassie wide eyed. Cassie just smirked. "Chose any of your choice" she says.

"I-I can't do that...this is wrong" I say nervous.

"C'mon Karisma, your such a good girl. Kane isn't going to forever want a good girl and besides, you may even see and be able to speak to your dead father." She says.

"I'm not stupid, I know that won't be possible" I say.

"You won't know till you try" She says. She somewhat have a point. "Plus, all your worries will fade till u try some. It won't hurt, trust me. It'll feel so wonderful." Cassie says.

Trying it one time wouldn't hurt.

I had scanned over the drugs and had touched one. It was a pipe. She smiled. "Nice choice, will for a starter" She says.

She had got all the things ready and lit it and inhaled and blew it out. Then she passed it to me, I was nervous, I took a deep breath as I took the pipe and Inhaled, I inhaled a little bit to much. Because I started coughing. Cassie was laughing.

about an hour later, I was trying something else. It felt amazingly wrong. I guess this just became my guilty pleasure. I believe cassie, just introduced me to drugs and I'm loving it.

We were just laughing, lightening one up. Half of the day I was just lightening one up. Getting higher then the empire state building.

Cassie took me home. She reminded me not to say a single word to my mom and don't laugh if she speaks to me. She said I need to play my game the right way or else I'm caught.

It was kinda hard. I quickly ran upstairs and had went in my room and laid on my bed. I was pretty buzzed. But hey she was right, it felt so amazing.



I felt someone shaking me. I had groaned and tried to ignore whoever shook me but they kept shaking me. I had finally got up. "Karisma, thank god, I thought something was wrong with you...maybe you need a day off of both your jobs, if you sleeping this heavy"  she says.

I slightly smiled, sorta regretting doing those drugs. I just smiled. "Sure, I'll take those days off" I say getting up now. She smiled. "Hurry up and get to school, it's ten eighteen." She says.

"Alright" I say getting up. I had got dressed and had headed to school. On my way to class I saw Kane and some girl. Me and Kane made eye contact which was really awkward then he looked back at the girl as I kept walking.

I think I was still buzzed because I was tuning out my teachers. By the end of the day I had found Cassie. "Cassie, hey" I say approaching her. She smiled. "Karisma" she says.

"Um, I was wondering if we know...what we did yesterday again it" I say.

She nodded. "Get in" she says. I had got in. She drove us to the house and well...I asked to try the pills and she said No and that I'm still a beginner, I need to get use to the drugs first so only Marijuana a.k.a weed at the moment. But she felt kinda bad for telling me no so she let me try Meth. Meth got me higher then I was yesterday.  Cassie, you just introduced me to a monster.



Kane's POV

"Ace, where's Karisma?" I say. She should be here, if we are pretending a least spend time with me to make it look real.

"I don't know, I haven't seen her after school. I think she's a friends house or something" Ace says.

"Can you find her and bring her here" I say a bit annoyed. Not only am I bored but I kinda want Her company.

"Kane that's impossible for me to do, I don't know any of her friend and who she would be with" Ace says.

I sighed. "It's fine, thanks" I say then I hung up. I had sat my phone down. I pressed the bottom. "Who am I dealing with today" I say. "B.B" burt says. I smirked. "Send him in" the door had opened and it was B.B one of my best Dealers.

He had a suit case and placed it on the counter. He opened it. And it was a lot of money, about twenty Kay in there. I smiled.

"Good job" I say. He just smirked and nodded. "Thank you sir" he says. "And for your "prize" I took out five stacks and gave it to him. He looked joyful. "Thank you sir" he says.

"Your dismiss, good job B.B" I say. He smiled as he left out.

I just sat back. Karisma where the hell are you, how can you make me worry so much like this?







An/ as usual, next Chapter will be longer. Sorry I didn't give much detail but I'll try next Chapter.

Date: 2/15/15

Time: 3:39 p.m.

Everyone's babe ;)

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