Chapter Thirteen- Realization

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Chapter Thirteen-

_Drella's POV_

  That night, after we talked very briefly about the whole, "twitter" ordeal, we all went out as we had originally planned. We didn't go out clubbing, which I was extremely thankful for, but instead we went out to a smaller type of Italian restaurant, my choice. I rode their with my brothers' and his band, while Sleeping With Sirens rode their together, I took the time to hang out with Jaime, despite the somewhat awkwardness between the two of us.

   I poked his cheek, pulling him out of his starring out the window, in the back seat. I was in the middle, him on my left, and the ever silent Tony on my right. He looked over at me, raising his eyebrows in curiosity. "Your too quiet." I said simply, a smile tugging on my lips. Jaime scoffed, putting a hand to his heart in mock hurt.

 "Oh, my dear Drella, I never thought I'd hear those words come from you." He said playfully. I laughed, nodding my head in agreement.

   "Neither did I Hime! Now, stop being quiet and put my mind back at ease!" I told him, trying to keep my eyes serious and my laughs down, but eventually, I gave up and Jaime and I both started cracking up, everyone else in the car starring at the two of us as if we had just committed murder. I saw Vic and Mike exchange glances in the front, glances of laughter, curiosity, and freaked out ness. Tony just stared at us as if we had just insulted his great ancestors.

   "What is going on with you two..?" Tony asked curiously, raising an eyebrow as he looked at us. Once again, the two of us, Jaime and me, laughed at him. Tony shook his head at us, a small smile on his face. "You two are just crazy.." He muttered, shaking his head at me, well us.

  I heard Mike add something about us being the weirdest people he's ever had the displeasure of meeting. I chuckled, shaking my head at my brother. He loved me and he knew it. I grinned at hmi and stuck my tongue, him as he glanced at me in the mirror.Mike of course rolled his eyes at me.

  "You, my dear sister, can be a mean person." Mike told me, as he turned his attenttion back to the road around us. I rolled my eyes at him.Vic, Tony, and Jaime all chuckled at me and Mike, while I shook my head at them. I swear, all my friends were mean people, I thought to myself, shaking my head.

  The rest of the car ride seemed like something that had happened a million times. It reminded me of the rides we had back in Cali all the time, whether it as to the pizza shop up the street, or to the beach. It was just so normal, something that I was always comfortable with. It was just what I needed. No drama, no problems, no cruel fans, just everyday life, something I understand.

  When we got to the Italian place, we saw the SWS's rented van. I grinned at once at Jaime, who looked at the SWS's van then back at me, giving me what I knew to be a pained smile. I gave him a small hopefully helpful smile, before I got out of the car, walking to van, my hands in my back pocket. I grinned as I spotted Gabe getting out along with everyone else.

   Normally, I would run over to him I wanted to see him so bad, but I knew that wasn't the best idea with Jaime watching, so instead I stood there, waiting for Gabe to walk over to me. I smiled at him when he spotted me, standing a little ways from the van. The others saw me, gave me a thumbs up, before walking over to the car that my brothers and friends were in. I smiled at Gabe, as I stood there, whlie he walked over to me, a goofy smile on his face.

  "Not a bad car ride like you thought it would be?" Gabe asked me, referring to the fact that I had told him I was worried the car ride would be terrible, due to the fact that I hadn't had a proper conversation with Jaime since before the kiss at the club.

   I let out a small giggle, shaking my head. "No. I don't think things are perfect again, but we're friends again." I said with a smile on my face. Gabe smile didn't waver as he nodded his head. "Come on, we better go in." I told him, grabbing his hand and practically forcing him inside the small restaurant. I heard Gabe chuckle as I dragged him along with me. What could I say, I was really hungry and I wanted to catch up with everyone, despite that I practically lived with all of them.

  When we got inside and spotted everyone, I walked over to them, still holding Gabe's hand. After we all got seated and ordered, we all just sat there, casually talking. Sure, I definitely been touring or even know the guys for that long, but I was already comfortable around them. They had this certain air of that let just let you know you could trust them. And the fact that that when they were off and on stage, they acted like little kids, despite the fact that some of them were 30 and 32. They still acted like little children.

   It was just comforting, watching the people who could act like total bad asses, joke around and almost throwing food at each other. But that stopped the moment I glared at Mike, Vic, and Nick. They all grinned sheepishly at me, putting their heads down and eating quietly for the next few minutes.

   "Well, you sure are a scary person at times Drel." Sarah said, chuckling. I shrugged my shoulders, a small smile on my face. After all, I had just ordered my somewhat scary and older brothers and there friend, though that could be taken badly. Bentley chuckled.

  "Don't worry, I'm pretty sure that its just the whole, intimidating younger sister thing, rather then just you in general." Bentley said, Sarah nodding in agreement. Everyone else at the table, nodded their heads, and added in agreement, in their own special ways.

  "Yeah, I'm definitely not scared of her." Justin chipped in. The rest of the guys nodded their heads, adding in their two cents.

  "Your too.. Cuddly to be intimidating." Gabe added, a chuckle escaping him and the others. I rolled my eyes, but kissed his cheek anyways. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jaime starring at us, but he turned away before I could read his expression. I sighed, feeling a small pang in my heart.

  "I'll be in the bathroom for a second." I told everyone, excusing myself and standing up, walking away from everyone after a few moments. I had no idea what I was going to in the bathroom, but I needed to get away from everyone for a little bit, even if it was just for a few seconds.

  When I got into the bathroom, I sighed, leaning my back against the cold titled wall. I was happy with Gabe, honestly, I was. I was over the moon, ecstatic. But I still couldn't forget about the pained look that was in Jaime's eyes, every time I saw him. That would never disappear. It's stupid to think that Jaime could just forget about me. It was never going to go away. Every time Jaime saw me with Gabe, he was just going to be upset.

   I fell to the floor, grasping my hair, tears prickling at the corner of my eyes. I could feel sobs bubbling inside me, but I didn't make a sound, I there on the cold ground, grasping at my hair. For the first time in what felt like forever, I had the itching urge of wanting to do something, I hadn't done for years. Cut.

  It was there, just as prominent as it had always been before I met Vic. Every time I thought about what I was doing to Jaime, I felt like I was betraying him. Like this was all my fault, and it was. It was all my fault. I closed my eyes tightly. I didn't have anything to hurt myself with. I'll wait till we get back to the buses to something about my urges. With that thought in mind, I stood, and wiped the tears from my eyes. 

   I sighed, looking in the mirror. My eyes looked beaten down, and tired. but I had been so use to hiding the pain for the first few weeks of living with the Fuentes, that I was use to hiding it away. I shook my head, pulling a brave face, and walking out of the bathroom, a sad smile on my face as I heard the laughter from the people I love.

  (I'm sorry about the drama. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I love you all! Comment, vote, like, favorite, love me! ^.^)

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