Chapter Twenty Two- The First Of Many Happy Days (Final)

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Chapter Twenty Two-

   Drella's POV

     After deciding on what how we were going to do the whole, "Natasha going on tour with us" thing, we decided to head to the buses, or in Natasha's case home to get things ready. Jaime didn't want her to, but he really didn't have a choice. Sarah offered to stay with her and drive her to the meet us at the next venue, which Justin was really hesitant about. I mean, they are practically a married couple.

  But, after much talking, Sarah was going to stay with Natasha for a couple of days until she could go on tour with us. I walked with Jaime, Gabe, Sarah, Justin, and Natasha as we walked out of the club, just listening to them talk, mostly Jaime and Justin telling the two other girls that they better call, Skype, and text. I laughed at that, shaking my head a little and listening to Jaime, who wasn't even dating Natasha, tell her these things.

  "And, please please, leave soon." Jaime said as we got closer to the van, meaning they had to say goodbye. Before Justin could, I pulled Sarah into a hug.

   "You better have fun." I told her, smiling at her. She laughed a little, but nodded enthusiastically promising that she would. Next I looked at Jaime and Natasha, who were saying goodbye. I waved Gabe to the van, which made him scoff, but he did anyways. 

  I walked over to Jaime and Natasha, "And I know it hasn't happened yet, but I can tell it will. Natasha, take care of Jaime." I said, winking at her, which made both Jaime and Natasha's eyes widen. "And, please, Jaime, I know that you aren't capable of it, but do not break not Natasha's heart." I told him. Both of them didn't say anything, just stared at me like I was crazy. I chuckled, hugging Natasha, who despite being surprised, hugged back.

  I pulled away after a few seconds, "I'll let you say goodbye, and we'll wait for you Jaime." I said, walking away from the two of them and into the van.

   Everyone besides Sarah and Jaime was now in the van, Bentley behind the wheel. "That was certainly an interesting trip to the club, wouldn't you say?" Mikey asked from his spot next to Alysha, who chuckled at her boyfriend. 

  "For once, I agree with you Mikey." I said, chuckling as he stuck his tongue out at me. Gabe laughed, wrapping his arm around me. I looked over at him, smiling and resting my head on his chest. He smiled down at me, but didn't say anything.

  Until Jaime got back on the bus, I just listened to everyone else talk to each other, while taking comfort in the fact that I was with all my friends and the guy I was beginning to fall in love with. That's right. I was falling in love with Gabe Barham. But I couldn't just go out and tell him that. I needed a plan to tell him.

   "Hey, Drella? You still awake?" I heard Vic ask, chuckling, which pulled me out of my lovestruck thoughts. I rolled my eyes at him, smiling and nodding.

  "Yes Victor, I'm still awake." I told him, which made him glare at me for the usage of his full name. Everyone else laughed at us, while Jaime finally got on the bus along with Justin who was riding with us since the others had already left.

  "Alright, Natasha and Sarah are off to Natasha's house for the night few nights. Let's get going!" He said, and I could see that despite him being really sad that Natasha wasn't with him, he was trying to stay in a positive mood. One of the reasons I respected my best friend so much.
  "On to the buses!" Bentley said, before pulling out of the club and beginning the drive back to buses. The ride was mostly silent, except for the occasionally conversations from everyone else, but mainly it was silent. I was sitting next to Gabe, resting my head on his chest still.

  I looked up at Gabe, who had been silent almost the entire time and was looking down at me, a small smile on his face. I raised an eyebrow at him. "What?" I asked him curiously, feeling a little uncomfortable with him starring at me. He laughed slightly.

   "Nothing.. Just.. I'm beginning to realize just how much I like you." He said, quietly. My eyes widened. Was he saying what I think he was saying? There goes my romantic way of telling him. I should just tell him now. He smiled at me, which I returned.

  "I love you Gabe.." I said quietly, which made the entire van go silent. I looked around, and saw that everyone was starring at me and Gabe, almost shocked. Vic looked like he was both extremely happy but almost shocked, Mikey looked proud almost, Jaime looked a little sad but happy. Everyone else seemed mainly surprised.

    "I love you too Drella." Gabe finally said. I grinned at him, hugging him as well as I could buckled in the van, and kissed him. Everyone on the bus laughed, but they all seemed happy enough. Gabe chuckled slightly, but seemed extremely relieved.   

  "I wanted to tell you in a more romantic place, but this just seemed like a good time." He said to me, a couple minutes later when everybody went back to their own conversations. I nodded in understanding.

  "Yeah, I wanted to do that to, but now's a good time as ever right?" He chuckled, nodding in agreement. I smiled at him, resting my head back on his chest, letting out a very content sigh. I told the man I was in love with that I loved him, and he said that he loved me back. Why wouldn't I be content? Everything in our lives was finally falling into place. I had the man I loved, my best friend who was falling for another, and I was on tour with my family and my closet friends. Everything just felt right for once.  

  The rest of the ride back to the buses was mostly quiet, though everyone did continue to talk, and occasionally I'd join in, but besides that I stayed quiet, my head on Gabe's chest, relaxing.

  When we got the buses, Jaime was the first one out, racing to the SWS bus for some reason. I laughed at him, getting out of my seat and off the bus. But Vic and Mikey stopped me before I could get on the bus. I raised an eyebrow at my brothers.

  Both of them smiled. "So, your really in love with Gabe huh?" Vic asked happily, smiling at me. I laughed, nodding my head.

  "Completely in love." I told him, grinning like a fool. Vic and Mikey smiled, obviously happy with my answer.

  "Well, as long as your happy, then we're happy for you." Mikey said. I smiled at my brothers, silently thanking whatever god there was that out of all the families that could've adopted me, it was the Fuentes family.

  "I am. Extremely happy." I told them, looking at Gabe who was getting off the bus, talking and laughing with Justin. I smiled, walking to the Sleeping With Sirens bus, where everyone seemed to be going.

  When I got on the bus, it seemed like everybody was celebrating, for whatever reason. "What's with the celebrating? Didn't we just go party?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at everyone who was in the bus so far. Bentley grinned, pulling me into the middle of everything.

  "This, my dear Drella, is a celebration for you and Gabe saying I love you for the first time!" She said, smiling at me. I was still extremely confused but decided to just go along with whatever the hell it was they were doing.

   Bentley smiled, grabbing the bottle of champagne that was on the counter and popping it open whenever everyone got on the bus. Gabe, Mikey, Tony, and Justin, who were the last ones on the bus, almost jumped whenever she did, obviously confused on what was going on.

  "It's a celebratory thing for Gabe and Drella saying I love you." Alysha explained to the guys who just got on the bus. They nodded, suddenly understanding and walking further onto the bus, Gabe walking over to me and wrapping his arm around my waist. I smiled at him as Danielle passed around glasses and Bentley poured the champagne.

  Once everyone got a glass, Bentley toasted. "To the newly happily in love couple!" She said. Everyone laughed, shaking their head at Bentley's enthusiasm, but going along with her. I shook my head, taking a sip of my drink, leaning on Gabe.

   Everything was simply perfect.


  On another extremely happy note, I don't think their will be any more drama. The rest of this book, which is only like three or four more chapters, will be drama free and just happy :) I hope you all enjoyed this update! Comment, vote, favorite, and like! Have a good day/night!

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