Chapter Two- More Memories And New Friends

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Chapter Two-

I groaned, as a light invaded my eyes. I pulled my hands over my eyes, trying to block it, but of course, the person who pulled back my curtain, started talking. "Come on, Drella! We're at the meeting place with Sleeping With Sirens!" Jaime yelled, making me once again groan.

"Go away.." I mumbled, trying to go back to sleep, but instead of leaving me alone, Jaime walked off, only to return a few minutes with Mikey by his side. "Ugh.." I groaned, before heaving myself out of bed. "You guys suck." I moaned, standing up, grabbing my bag, and walking to the bathroom. Behind me, I heard Jaime and Mikey cheer like a bunch of little kids.

I sighed, walking past Vic and waving to him, and walking into the empty bathroom so I could get changed. I debated on taking a shower to fix my hair, but ended up just brushing and braiding it, then pulling on some random cloths from my bag. I looked myself over once, before nodding in approval, and walking out of the bathroom, a million thoughts going through my head.

'What would the SWS boys be like?' That was my biggest question, along with would I get along with them. I was seriously nervous to meet them. Even though their lead singer recorded a song with Pierce The Veil and PTV went on tour with them, I never got to meet them. I was always busy or they were too busy. But now, I was wishing I would've met him then. I knew that they were all nice funny guys, but I still couldn't help but wonder if we'd get along. I guess I'd find out today, I thought to myself.

I walked into the lounge, and saw everyone just relaxing. I raised an eyebrow at them, crossing my arms over my chest as I stared at them. "I thought we were in there?" I asked them, making all their eyes shoot up to meet mine, Jaime quickly looking away.

"Well, I meant we're almost there," He said, stressing the word 'almost'. I groaned muttering profanities under my breath, and sitting down on the couch next to Jaime, who had a grin on his face. I shook my head at him, but continued to stare at him for a few more seconds, before tearing my gaze away from him. I laid my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes and hoping for a few more minutes of sleep.

_-_Jaime's POV_-_

I could hear Drella's light snoring, as she drifted off, making me chuckle. She fell asleep in the weirdest times. I sighed, resting my head on top of hers lightly, careful not to wake her up. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep. I knew about her past, about how her parents were abusive towards her. Hell, I could still remember the day we met her perfectly.

-Flash Back!-

It was eight years ago, and me and Tony had just recently joined the band. Vic and Mike had called an emergency band meeting, not telling us what it was about. At first, I was really hesitant to go, because well, what if they were going to kill us or kick one of us out of the band? What? It was completely possible that either of those could happen.

But either way, I went along with Tony to Vic and Mike's house, ignoring the constant nagging worry in the back of my head. The two of us talked along the way, mostly joking around, but occasionally, we talked about how long we'd been playing and things like that. We had only been a band for 4 months now, so I didn't really know Tony, Vic, or Mike that well. But by the time we got to Vic and Mike's house, I knew I could trust Tony. And that he was completely Star Wars obsessed.

When the two brothers let us in, they didn't lead us to the basement where we normally held meetings and practices, instead, they led us to the main room, where a girl was sitting. She didn't look anything like Vic or Mike. She had brown hair, bangs that hid most of her crystal blue eyes from the world, and she had flawless skin. I could tell by the way that she was awkwardly sitting there, playing with her fingers, that she was nervous. I immediately wanted to go over and comfort her, but something stopped me. That something was Vic's voice.

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