Chapter Eighteen- His View On Life

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Chapter Eighteen-

When the set was over, the first thing I did when the curtain closed, was run over and hug Gabe. He chuckled, but didn't hesitate to hug me back. I let my head rest on his chest, ignoring the clapping and cheers I heard around me from our friends. I simply let myself enjoy the warmth around me. It was rare moments like this that Gabe and I was affectionate, but I decided not to dwell on it. Tears blurred my eyes as I thought about what Sleeping With Sirens had just done for me. They had just told their fan base that I was apart of their family, though I had only known them for a little more then a month. These people amazed me everyday.

I finally looked up at Gabe, and he smiled, wiping the tears away from my cheeks with his thumb. "Gabe.. I can't believe you guys did that for me.." I told him quietly, tears threatening to overspill again. Gabe just smiled at me kindly.

"Drella, your my girlfriend, I hate seeing you upset." He said, keeping his arms wrapped around me. I smiled at him brightly, resting my head back on his chest and letting myself enjoy the moment. That was until our friends decided to interrupt the moment.

"You know, we were apart of this too." I heard Mike say teasingly. I turned around, chuckling a little and looking at the 8 guys, plus their girlfriends standing in front of me. I grinned at them, before walking over and hugging everyone of them. First Mike, who hugged me back tightly. "You don't deserve hate little sis." He said quietly, squeezing me once. I smiled at him, before hugging Vic, who hugged me back gently.

"Seriously Drella, you don't deserve the stress you've been having lately." I sighed a little, nodding. "Drel, I want you to talk to me, hell, Jaime or Gabe, just talk to someone about how upset you get. Please." I nodded, giving into Vic's pleading. I knew I had to do this for him, he had been nothing but a good older brother to me since I met him, and this was the least I could do.

I pulled away from him, giving him one more smile before I went over and hugged my best friend, Jaime. He grinned at me, pulling me into a breath taking tight hug. I returned the hug with as much strength as I could, but certainly not as much as Jaime. "You deserve this." Jaime told me, grinning ear from ear. I grinned back at him, nodding a little. I believe I did deserve a break from all this drama lately. Next, I went over and hugged the rest of SWS, who all returned the hug with just as much love as PTV and Gabe. This was honestly my family.

After hugging all of them, I hugged the guys' girlfriends that were here. They all smiled at me, returning the hug and adding in their thoughts about what had just happened.

_Jaime's POV, later that night_

I was really happy that Drella was happy, honestly, I was. But I wanted her to love me as much and just like how I love her. It wasn't fair that Gabe made her happy, but I didn't. I also knew that I couldn't guilt her into loving me, that was just too harsh and not needed. It wasn't her fault she didn't love me back, but that also didn't stop me from loving her.

I was laying in my bunk that night after the crazy show, and I could hear most of PTV and SWS out in the main lounge. I knew that some of SWS stayed back at their bus, so I kind of hoped that Gabe did. Don't get me wrong, I'm still friends with him, but after what happened with Drella, I haven't talked to him by myself. It was just that every time I did, I was reminded that he was the one who made Drella happy, not me, and that seriously, hurt like hell.

A million thoughts were running through my head this night, and I was trying to sort them all out. I was in love with Drella still, and I didn't think that that was going to away anytime soon. But, I couldn't really do anything about her and Gabe dating, without ruining our friendship. And, she was truly happy, I knew I should just leave it alone.

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