Chapter Ten- Overdo Moments

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Chapter Ten-

_Drella's POV_

When we got to the venue later that night, the guys all had to hurry out of the bus to make it to soundcheck on time, which meant I was wondering over to the SWS bus, because mine was empty and boring. But when I walked into the bus, Jack was jumping up and down like a little child. I raised an eyebrow at him, before sending everyone on the bus a questioning look, to which they all chuckled at. "His girlfriends joining us for the tour tonight." Gabe explained, smiling.

I made an 'o' shape with my mouth, nodding in understanding. I mean, yeah, I knew Jack had a girlfriend, but I had no idea it was that serious, though by the way he acted when he explained her to me early, I should have known. He seemed genuinely happy about her coming up, so who was I to rain on his parade? I sat down next to Gabe on the couch, and his arm, which had been laying on the top of the couch, wrapped around my shoulder. The others, except Jack who was still practically "fangirling" about his own girlfriend.

I chuckled, shaking my head at Jack, and looking around at the others, who were just hanging around the bus really. I waved at Sarah, who was talking to Kellin about something. She smiled back at me, waving back, and turning back to Kellin. I smiled, resting my head on Gabe's shoulder, letting out a relieved sigh. "Are you tired..?" Gabe asked, amusement clear in his voice. I thought about it for a second, before shaking my head, and closing my eyes.

"No, I just enjoy cuddling." I said truthfully. Really, I did, I use to cuddle with Vic, Mike, Tony, and Jaime all the time, and I still do, all the time, like this morning when I feel asleep by Vic's side. He chuckled, but didn't comment on it. I sighed in contentment again, before opening my eyes, and looking up at him. "What times your soundcheck?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He shrugged, before looking over at Kellin, who quickly looked over at us, mouthing, 'Half an hour' and turning back to his conversation with Justin and Sarah. I smiled, looking back at Gabe, who grinned down at me. I looked back at Jack, who had finally calmed down, and was leaning against the counter top, obviously bored. "So what's Bentley like?" I asked, tilting my head to the side as I waited for an answer. Jack thought about it for a second, and when he opened his mouth, Justin interrupted him.

"She's a car addict." Justin said, smirking, before turning back to Kellin and Sarah, who nodded in agreement, chuckling. I smiled a little. That did kind of seem like Jack's type of girl in a way.

I looked at Jack, who had just rolled his eyes at Justin. "Yes, she loves cars, but she so much more then that! She's incredibly smart, good looking, kind, funny, sarcastic, sweet, and just.. Perfect." Jack said dreamily, before he pulled out his phone, quickly put in his passcode, and did a couple of other things, before showing me his phone, which was pulled up to a picture of him and a girl with brown hair and kind of streaked/specked purple and blue. I nodded, smiling.

"She's pretty." I told him with a smile, to which he nodded in agreement, before staring down at his phone. I chuckled at him, and so did everyone else. He put his phone away, glaring at us.

"Your the same about your girlfriends and wife.." He muttered, walking into the back lounge, probably just to get away from us. We all rolled our eyes at him, before returning back to our own separate conversation, except Nick who went into the bunks. I looked at Gabe.

"So, what's the plan for after the show tonight?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow. He thought about it for a minute, before shrugging his shoulders casually. I frowned.

"Well we probably won't go out tonight, and if we do, it'll probably just to get dinner and all hang out, since Bentley's joining up with us." Gabe said, shrugging his shoulders again, and looking at me. "Why the sudden interest?" He asked, raising his own eyebrows.

I shrugged at him, burying my face in his chest. "I don't know, just wondering I guess." I told him, my reply sort of muffled because my face was after all against his chest.

_Little Later, right after Pierce The Veil's set_

"Good job guys!" I said, hugging Mike, Vic, Tony, and Jaime after their show. I don't think seeing them will ever get old! They poured so much into their shows, and the way the fans always came so full of energy, it was just utterly amazing. They all grinned at me, hugging back.

"Aren't you going to wish your boyfriend a good show." Jaime asked, grinning, though I knew it killed him to say that. I shrugged my shoulders.

"They don't go on for a little while. Besides, he's catching up with Bentley, you know our neighbor that I hardly talk to."

_Jack's POV_ (Special cause I love Jentley, thank you to one of my friends for the ship name!!)

I stood in the dressing room or whatever you want to call it, waiting for Bentley to show up. She texted me an twenty minutes ago, and she said she was going to be here soon. Which meant I was on edge. Sure, I saw Bentley recently, but still, before I left for the second leg after all, she left to go to San Diego, which meant I hadn't seen her in almost two weeks, and that was beyond torture. We had texted each other every single day, but it wasn't enough, I just had to see her.

I tapped my foot impatiently, which made the rest of the band and Sarah laugh at me I just rolled my eyes at them. Someone knocked on the door, and I quickly went and answered, and just when I pulled it open, my beautiful and perfect wife jumped in my arms. (Yes, they are married.) I grinned, pulling her tighter into my arms. "Jack! Oh my gosh, I missed you so freaking much!" Bentley said, hugging me tightly. I chuckled at her, spinning her around, before sitting her down on her feet.

"I missed you too!" I said, before cupping her cheeks in my hand, and kissing her deeply, oh how good it felt to do that after two long agonizing weeks. I smiled when I pulled away, seeing her red cheeks and a grin on her face, and hearing the sounds of our bandmates and Sarah chuckling behind us. I flipped them off, before pulling her back into another long and overdo kiss.

(Aww! This was really just a filler, but oh my gosh, out of all my pairings, Jack and Bentley are my absolute favorite. <3 Anyways! That was just to let you know what their relationship is like! Side pic is Bentley! Comment, vote, like, favorite, and love me! ^.^)

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