Chapter Twenty- Clubs Suck

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Chapter Twenty-

Jaime's POV

For a little while, it was just Sarah, Natasha, and occasionally Drella talking, but soon enough, Sarah and Drella decided to go look for the others, meaning they had no problem leaving me with Natasha, by myself. Even though they both knew I had a thing for her now. At first, we both just sat there awkwardly, not sure what to say to one another. But eventually, I said the first thing that popped in my head. "So, your a fan of Pierce The Veil then?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her. She smiled, nodding.

"Um, yeah I am. You guys are really really good." She said, smiling at me. "It surprised me big time whenever I found out Sarah knew you guys, but then again, I really should have known, seeing as she is dating Justin Hills." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

I chuckled, nodding. "Oh yeah, we met her the same tour Justin met her, The World Tour, first leg." I remembered, shrugging my shoulders. She grinned, nodding. After I said that, the both of us were silent, nothing but the sounds of the clubs surrounding us. I had no idea what to say to her, after all, I had only just met her and barely knew anything about her. What could I say?

"So, uh, what's in like being in a band?" She asked, raising an eyebrow and appearing very much interested in what I had to say. I chuckled, before going into all the details that we always left out when we were being interviewed.

Drella's POV

After me and Sarah left Jaime and Natasha to themselves, we went off to find the others, since we hadn't see any of them since we got here. Gabe had texted me telling me he was here a little bit after we got here, but I didn't see him anywhere. Sarah and I had also spilt up, hoping that one of would fine them, but so far, no luck.

I was looking around on the dance floor for them, but I could not find them. They weren't anywhere in sight. I sighed, before pulling out my phone, reverting to texting them. But, when I pulled out my phone, I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist, pulling me to them. My eyes widened, and my first thought was to scream bloody murder. Right away I knew that the hands weren't Gabe's because he wouldn't have grabbed me so forcefully. That's just not how he is. The person wasn't anyone I knew because all of them knew better to do that, because well I was dating Gabe after all.

Before I could gather the courage to turn around and face them, I felt their hot breath against the skin of my neck, and an unpleasant chill went through me. When I felt them grind against me, I jumped away from them, my eyes wide as I stared at the person in shock. It wasn't anyone I knew, but they had a smirk on their face. Instantly I knew this was a person didn't give a damn about what he did. "Why'd ya leave babe?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, the sick smirk staying in place.

"Because I have a boyfriend." I told him, crossing my arms over my chest as I looked at the guy in front of me through narrowed eyes. He chuckled, looking around us for a minute, at the millions of other people around us, before he looked at me again.

"I don't see anyone around." He said, crossing his own arms over his chest, the smirk never leaving him. I scoffed, shaking my head at him, seriously, what the hell was this guys deal? "He'll never know." He smirked, like dancing like that wasn't in anyway cheating. But I realized that this guy probably couldn't care less if I cheated on my boyfriend with him. But I was not, ever, going to cheat on Gabe, especially not with some douche like this guy.

"Not happening." I told him, shaking my head and looking around desperately for one of the guys, any of them right now would be perfect. But of course, none of them were in sight, not even Sarah, Jaime, or Natasha.

"Aw, why not? A sexy girl like you shouldn't be tied down to one man." The guy said, smirking at me. I rolled my eyes, though I could feel a blush creeping up on me. That, however, didn't mean anything. My eyes desperately looked around for one of the guys, and for the first time we got to this club, I saw one of them. It wasn't Gabe, but it was Jack and Bentley, who looked like they were looking for someone. I glanced at the guy in front of me, debating on walking away from him, but he seemed kind of dangerous. If I couldn't get Jack or Bentley's attention then I'd make a run for it.

After a few seconds, Jack's eyes landed on me, and they widened when they saw the guy in front of me, who was still smirking and raising an eyebrow at me. "Look, I'm not planning on cheating on my boyfriend anytime soon, so just leave me alone." I said, as I saw Jack and Bentley walk up to me. I let out a sigh of relief when they walked up to me, glad to have someone with me. "Thank god.." I muttered when the two of them walked close enough. Jack raised an eyebrow at the guy in front of me.

"What's going on here, Drel?" He asked curiously, as Bentley walked right by my side, wrapping her arm around mine. I felt myself visibly relax now that someone was with me.

The guy's smirk never left him. "Nothing that concerns you." He said rudely to Jack, who looked more amused then offended. Bentley laughed a little, shaking her head a little at the guy, but stayed quiet as Jack crossed his arms over his chest.

"Look, I'm sure that your just looking for a girl to take home tonight, but I'm telling you right now, Drella is not your girl." He said, shaking his head as he looked at the guy in front of us, the guy's smirk fading a little, but not leaving.

"Well, I think your wrong. Who the hell are you anyways?" The guy asked, raising an eyebrow at Jack defensively. I shook my head at this whole situation, briefly looking around for the rest of the guys, but none of them were to be see. Jack rolled his own eyes, sighing.

"I just so happen to be not only her friend, but her boyfriend's friend as well. And I know that he wouldn't like it if he found out that you were trying to take home his girlfriend." Jack said. The guy, whose smirk had finally disappeared, rolled his own eyes.

"One girl is so not worth this shit." He muttered, before turning around and walking away, finally giving up. I let out a relieved sigh, my whole body relaxing. Jack turned to me, raising an eyebrow and uncrossing his arms.

"Okay, what the hell was that?" He asked, as Bentley let go of my arm, laughing a little. I chuckled, shaking my head a little.

"Exactly what it looked like. That guy tried to dance with me, I told him off but he wouldn't take no for an answer." I explained, shrugging my shoulders. Honestly, it scared me how persistent he was at the beginning, but I was glad he finally gave up and walked away. Jack nodded.

"Well, let's just go find the rest of the guys. Come on, me and Bentley know exactly where they are." He said, as Bentley walked over to him. Jack wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and nodded for me to follow him, which I did.

I was really relieved that I was finally going to find out where everyone else was, but I reminded myself I needed to text Jaime so he knew where we were. I briefly wondered how he and Natasha were doing by themselves, but shrugged it off following Jack and Bentley to the table where everyone but Natasha and Jaime was. I smiled at them, immediately walking over to where Gabe was sitting, sitting in the empty chair next to him. He smiled at me, but before he could say anything, I wrapped my arms around him, sighing in relief. I knew right away that he was confused, but he wrapped his arms around me and hugged back.

I heard everyone else laugh a little, and I stuck my tongue out at them when me and Gabe pulled away from each other. "What took you guys so long to come back?" Kellin asked Jack, who had taken a seat next to Vic, Bentley sitting in his lap.

Jack chuckled. "Well, it would've been a lot faster, had some guy not tried to take Drella home with him." He said, shrugging his shoulders as he wrapped around his arms around Bentley's waist. Gabe's eyes widened, as did everyone else's.

Vic sat up in his chair. "What'd he do?" He asked, glancing at me, probably to see if he had hurt me at all. I sighed, leaning into Gabe's side, who was quick to wrap his around my waist and pull me close to him.

"I was looking for you guys. It was just after me and Sarah had spilt up," I said, eyeing Sarah who was sending me apologetic glances by Justin's side, I shrugged them off though. "And I was on the dance floor, some guy grabbed me and tried to dance with me, I pushed him away, told him I had a boyfriend. But he wouldn't take no for an answer, and then Jack and Bentley found me. Jack told him off and he left." I explained, shrugging my shoulders, I honestly wanted to pretend that that didn't happen. I looked at Jack, smiling at him, "Thanks by the way." I told him, smiling in appreciation. He nodded, smiling back.

After a few moments of silence from everyone, Mike finally spoke. "Well, your not leaving this table for the rest of the night."


I AM SO SORRY FOR HOW LONG IT'S TAKEN ME TO UPDATE. I had big writers block and I just came up with this idea and here it is! So sorry!!! Comment, vote, and like!

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