Chapter Six- The Streets Of Las Vegas

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(ok! I will no longer announce that there will be different POVs. I can't just have it be Drella's thoughts, so. Meh.)

Chapter Six-

_Drella's POV_

Once the Meet & Greet was over, and a lot of the fans met the guys and the other bands, Vic's band and Gabe's bands all decided that since I had never gotten to see Las Vegas before, that we had to go in and see some of the clubs and casinos, after all, tomorrow all of us were heading back to San Diego for the second show of the tour. So, we all headed back to the buses, quickly got ready, and met outside our buses, and headed into the city of Las Vegas, Nevada.

I was of course extremely nervous. Sure, my brothers had been all over the world, but me? I had never been to a club outside of San Diego before. I had no idea what to except from this. I mean, sure, I knew that I wasn't going alone. But still, a casino? I sighed, shaking my head clean of the worried thoughts beginning to invade my head. I needed to stop worrying about this. The guys and Sarah would be by my side all night. I don't have to worry about anything. I turned my attention back to the guys who were walking with me. Jaime was walking with Tony, chatting to him about something, while Gabe was talking with Mikey. Not. Good. I looked at Vic, who was walking by himself. Not for long, I thought, before walking over to him. "Hi." I said with a smile, which he returned.

"What's up Drel?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at me. I shrugged, falling into a slow pace with him, most of the others were ahead of us now.

"Nothing much, nervous." I told him honestly, sighing quietly. I really couldn't shake off the nerves, no matter how hard I tried. I had never even been to a casino before, and I had no idea what to except, besides all the things I had seen on TV, which didn't help me nerves one bit. Vic chuckled.

"Relax, Drella. We'll be with you the whole time." He promised, sending me a side smile. I nodded my head, but I knew even that just because Vic said he'd be with me the whole night, doesn't mean everyone else would be. And I wanted them to have their own fun after all, they really only came here when they were touring. "Seriously, stop worrying so much. It's just a casino." He said with a chuckle, turning his attention to look at me. I sighed. "You could have stayed in the buses you know." Vic pointed out

"Yeah yeah, I know. But it feels like I need to do this, I mean, how many times am I going to be able to go to Las Vegas?" I said, shrugging my shoulders, as I looked around myself. This place truly was beautiful, but dangerous too. Vic looked at me, a little smirk on his face.

"Well.. Actually, the band and I were talking and we thought, since everybody knows your our sister, and if this tour goes well, and you want to go on another, you can join us on some more tours." He said casually, shrugging his shoulders. My eyes went wide as I looked at him, stopping my slow pace, making him stop too.

"Seriously!?" I asked, a giant grin on my face as I looked at my adoptive brother. He chuckled, nodding. By now, everyone in the group had stopped and turned to watch me and Vic. Jaime, Mike, and Tony were all smiling, already knowing what was going on, while the others looked on, confused. I hugged Vic tightly. "Thank you thank you thank you!!" I said, grinning like a fool the entire time. He laughed, but hugged me back. Next, I ran over to Mike, giving him a quick hug, before running over to hug Jaime and Tony, who both grinned at me, just as Mike had done.

When I went to hug Jaime, as always, he picked me up and spun me around, like he had done a million times before. I felt someones gaze on me, but for the moment I ignored it. Once I pulled out of the long Jaime hug, I looked at the Sleeping With Sirens guys, who were looking extremely confused. "What just happened?" Jack asked curiously, raising an eyebrow.

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