Chapter Eight- Movies And Violins

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Chapter Eight-

_Gabe's POV_

Drella and I cuddled up the rest of the night, just watching good comedies, in hopes of cheering each other up. Of course, I could still tell that Drella was still thinking about her old life, and I wanted her to be happy, so during the second movie, I started talking with her. "So, if your a Fuentes, does that mean your musical?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow. She looked away from the TV screen and at me, a small smile tugging on her lips.

"Yes, but I play more classical instruments." She said. I gave her a look of amusement, to which she rolled her eyes, a full smile on her face. "I still like the genre of music my brothers' are into, their own music, and your music, but I just play classical better." I raised an eyebrow, as if asking her to go on. "Piano and Violin, and some acoustic guitar." She said simply, shrugging her shoulders, but the smile never faltered.

I smiled, "You should play me something sometime." I told her. She nodded her head, before her eyes and face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"My violins in the other bus, I could run and go get it." She offered, and after a minute of debating, I nodded my head, excitement filling me. I was super excited to hear what she could do. If it was anything like the her brothers' performing, I knew it had to be perfect. She smiled, and ran off the bus, leaving me alone in the back lounge with my thoughts.

I couldn't help but think of the way her eyes lit up whenever she mentioned her violin and piano.

_Drella's POV_

I rushed into the empty Pierce The Veil bus, quickly heading to the back where the band stored my instrument. Of course, I was better and loved the piano more then my violin or my acoustic guitar, I could only bring my violin with me this time, so I was missing two instruments. But, my violin was good enough and all I had brought with me on this tour. After getting my violin, I walked out of the bus quietly, despite the fact that no one was around and that the others most likely wouldn't be back until much later. I walked back to the bus, anticipation building up in me. Sure, I was excited to show Gabe my skills, but only the band and my adoptive parents have ever heard me play, and the band was practically family to me. I had no idea what Gabe and I were.

I walked back onto the bus, and the sounds of the movie we left running was the only I could hear. I bit my lip, before walking slowly into the back lounge, where I knew Gabe was waiting for me. When I walked in there, I saw Gabe hadn't moved from his spot on the couch, but he was beginning to nod off. I grinned, an idea forming in my head. I quickly and quietly got out my violin, and began playing, without alerting Gabe that I was back until my bow pressed against the strings.

His head shot up, and a grin formed on his face, as he listened to me play. I wasn't a very good violinist, but I did know some things. I did the extremely short violin parts for All Time Low's song, Somewhere In Neverland, acoustic version, and the Overture for the Black Veil Brides album, Wretched And Divine: Story Of The Wild Ones. I played some other songs, but they were all songs that I was pretty sure Gabe had never heard before. The last song I was 100% sure he had never heard before, because only Vic, Mike, Jaime, Tony, and my adoptive parents had ever heard it.

By the time I was done, Gabe was looking at me in sheer surprise. I chuckled, putting up the violin and quickly sitting back down next to him. "What'd ya think?" I asked, kind of shyly, to which he simply nodded in approval at first.

"That was amazing!" He said, a big smile on his face, as he pulled me against his chest. I smiled too, letting my head rest on his chest. It was after all a comfortable place to be. Gabe didn't say anything after that, we just sat there until the movie had ended, both of us starting to drift off. The last thing I remembered before falling asleep, was the sound of a door opening and shutting before I fell deep asleep.

_Kellin's POV_ (O.O New POV! Yay!)

When me the rest of the band and Sarah got back, we excepted to find Gabe in his bunk asleep alone, not deep asleep on the couch in the back lounge, with Vic and Mike's sister sleeping on his chest. I waved the others over, quietly walking into the lounge so I could get a better look at the two. I smiled, and once everyone else came in, they were also almost awing at the sigh before them. I took random note of the violin like case on the floor, next to Drella's feet. I smiled, before Sarah and I shooed the others out so the two love birds could sleep in peace.

(gah. I know. Extremely short! But this is just like a filler. IMPORTANT QUESTION: I'm really thinking about starting a Kellic fanfic and I want to know if anyone would even read it, so. Would you? Comment, vote, like, favorite, and love me! ^.^)

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