Chapter Seventeen- Concert Speeches

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Chapter Seventeen-

_Drella's POV_

All I want is for one day not to be filled with drama. Cause for the past few weeks, that's all my life has seemed to be. It's been almost a month since I've told everyone my secret, and ever since then, my life's been a lot easier. But everyday, the fans still harass me on Twitter, FaceBook, and Instagram. So, starting yesterday, I decided I was just going to take a break from all the social media. I wasn't going to get on any of those accounts that the fans knew about. The only one I was able to get on was my Tumblr, because that was just a "secret" account that I never shared my name. To them I was just CoreyDrella. Of course, some people questioned the whole "Drella" name so I just told them that that was my favorite song by Pierce The Veil, and it was one of my favorite songs.

Gabe, Jaime and everyone else was on board with my no social media idea. Speaking of those two, things with Jaime have been great, even though he now knows my deepest secret and he's still in love with me. But, we both just ignore both of those things. Gabe and I have been happy for the past few weeks and when we weren't doing anything, the two of us went out on a few dates. It was perfect. I was happy, Gabe was happy, everyone seemed to be doing great. Even though, both bands, including their girlfriends, including Vic's girlfriend, Danielle and Mike's Alysha, who had joined us just today were, somewhat secretive.

Right now I was hanging out with my brothers' girlfriends, Alysha and Danielle while everyone else got ready. Danielle gave me a look of empathy when I got done telling them the whole "twitter" fiasco. "Oh sweetie, I know it's hard, but just focus on the positive comments. The fans are just jealous that your dating Gabe and that your Mike and Vic's sister." Alysha nodded in agreement with Dani. I nodded, letting out a small sigh. I hated it that I wasn't alone with the whole hate about dating one of the boys. It wasn't right how all the other guys girlfriends were left alone, except that at first when Justin and Sarah got together, were accepted by the fans. It seemed only me and Dani were the odd ones out. What did we even do wrong?

"You didn't do anything wrong Drella. It's not your fault." Alysha said. I must have thought that last bit out loud. Dani nodded in agreement this time with Alysha. I gave them a small smile, nodding my head.

"I know, I know, but it just feels like you should be able to do something to make them like you, you know?" I said, slouching back in my seat on the PTV bus, ignoring all the movement around me. As I said before, everyone else was getting ready for the show which was in less then an hour, while me, Alysha, and Dani were already ready to go.

"Drella, there is nothing you can do. All that you can do is wait for this to blow over. Eventually the fans will accept you, and you too Danielle." Alysha told us. Dani smiled in thanks at Alysha, before looking back at me. I sighed once again, nodding. I knew they were right, but still, I was always going to feel like there was something more I could do to make the fans accept me. But, maybe there wasn't.

"Alright, you guys, let's start heading into the venue!" Jaime said, practically jumping up and down. I laughed a little, shaking my head, but standing up, along with Dani and Alysha, who both immediately walked over to their boyfriends. I smiled a little, before getting off the bus with Jaime. Instead of just waiting for the others to join us, we just walked into the venue we were parked in front of. "You excited for this show?" Jaime asked excitedly. Eyeing him a little, I nodded. All of the guys, including my best friend and boyfriend had been very weird about this tour date ever since a month ago. I had no idea why, since other then the boys acting weird about it, it seemed like a normal tour date. But hey, I could be wrong. I just wish they'd tell me.

Jaime grinned at me before talking about something trivial. I am happy to say that since I told everyone my past, Jaime and my relationship has turned back to normal where he simply just wanted to friends, and seemed genuinely happy. I wish I knew exactly how he felt, but things were so good that I was afraid to ask him if he was really happy or if he was just doing an amazing job faking it.

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