Chapter 1

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Katsuki sighed, wandering to the one place he said he would go if he really wanted to ruin himself. 'Bounty' was displayed in neon lights above the sketchy bar. They didn't care about names (at any normal bar he would be bombarded with questions), nor connections. The two things he really needed right now.


It was anything but quiet inside, the music blasted in his ears loud enough to make his stomach do flips, visually, the place was insane. Laser lights swung around the room in the same pattern of the drunk dancers on the crappy disco floor. Perfect. That's what it was. No one in their right mind would think he went here. If they tried to look for him they would be going to parks or libraries or gyms, not some shitty bar frequented by villains halfway across town. He made his way to the bar, pulling his hoodie further over head, hiding his way too recognisable puff of blonde hair.


"Two shots of vodka please, Kuro," some guy slid into the seat next to him, the man seemed to be held together by staples and piercings. Honestly, it was kinda hot. But Katsuki wasn't in the mood, not after he had discovered last night, on his eighteenth birthday of all days. Fuck that hag, trying to mate him off to that useless-


"You just gonna sit there looking pretty, or are you going to drink it?" The man asked, nodding his head towards the small glass shot placed in front of him. It was clear and smelt like the rest of the bar. He held it up to his lips and threw his head back like he saw in the movies. He grimaced at the sting in throat. "You gotta open your throat like you're sucking dick." The man smirked as he shot back his own drink, not even flinching as he gulped down the rancid liquid.


"Never sucked dick, asshole," Katsuki mumbled and immediately regretted it as the man, who he barely knew, leaned real close and whispered the worst five words in his ear ever, "I can change that, kitten." Never has Katsuki's face gone as red, redder than Kirishima's shitty hair.


"Shut the fuck up," was the only thing that came out his mouth before he crashed his lips against the mans, needing a massive distraction from what he overheard yesterday. The man pulled back, gasping slightly, eyes just barely open. "Name's Dabi. What's your's?" Katsuki connected their eyes before gasping out a "Bakugou" and pressing their lips back together, Dabi's teeth nipped against his lower lip, making him open his mouth slightly in surprise. The raven took that as permission to slip his tongue into Katsuki's mouth, he felt a tongue piercing clink against his teeth. 


"There's rooms upstairs, might wanna go there if you wanna continue." Dabi smirked as he grabbed Katsuki by the wrist and led him into a hallway behind the bar, and into a stairwell. Mildly, he wondered if he was about to get murdered, but then, that wouldn't be an entirely bad option right now. Eighteen years old and dead four months before he was supposed to be mated off.


"You still wanna do this? Most people back away quickly, I know as quiet the sadist around here," Katsuki just scoffed and followed the raven further up the stairs. Soon, they made it to another door, Dabi opened it and it led to another hallway, this one with grey doors lining the walls with about two meters between each one of them. So the room would be small then, well whatever. A distraction was a distraction.

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