Chapter 10

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Dabi drove Katsuki back to the dorms after their ruts and his heat had finished. It was surprisingly peaceful after they had fucked his guts out (multiple times). He knew he was going to have at least a slight limp for a few days.

The alpha parked the car in an empty slot near the entrance to UA, "Alright, I'll see you later, kitten," they pressed their lips together softly for a second. "Bye, Dabi, I'll come round on the weekend if that's good?"

"Yeah, I'll see if Kei' can make it too," Dabi finalized as Katsuki got out of the car, offering a little wave as he walked into the school.


The dorms were quiet as he'd finished his heat on a Wednesday, looking around at the still dorms he made his way to the shower block. It was probably the first time he had seen the dorms fully silent since he'd moved in, this was a rare occasion he would savour.

Katsuki turned the shower tap up to full temperature, skin turning red hot under the steaming water, grabbing a bar of soap from the stand and lathering up his hands with bubbles. The omega had already showered at Dabi's house, but the alphas' scents still were thick on his scent glands, only making it more obvious as too what he was doing just barely an hour before.

All was quiet except for the pitter-patter of the water and Katsuki's soft humming, he couldn't wait to get in bed and sleep the rest of the day away. Something about his heats always made him sleepy and tired. He'd been tired all week, he's probably going to do some research on that just to make sure he's not sick. 


Once again he was awoken by a ruckus, this time by his best friend (don't tell anyone that) knocking on his door. The familiar pattern of taps, slightly off to the Crimson Riot theme tune. Part of Katsuki thought the odd habit was natural for Kirishima by now after starting as an estranged joke in the first year.

"Yeah!? Whaddaya want, Shitty Hair?" Katsuki shouted from his bed.

"You are back! Can I come in?" Kirishima called through the door, sounding sickly chipper as usual. "Sure." He mumbled. Unfortunately, the whole of the self-proclaimed 'Bakusquad' must've heard as there were five new bodies shoving their way into his room, covering every square inch of his personal space.

Ashido buzzed as she claimed his desk chair as her seat, Sero and Jirou settling in a corner, Kaminari practically star fishing on the floor and Kirishima being the brave one, climbed onto the blondes bed. 

"So…" the pink skinned beta started, "What's a prime omega like you doing spending their heat at some rando's house? Was it that boyfriend you were making out with in the parking lot?!?" She squealed, Jirou curling up further for the noise.

"I was not making out with him in the parking lot." He said, trying to stop the conversation from going any further. "So you aren't denying that he's your boyfriend?" Sero stated slyly, grinning from ear at his 'discovery'.

"JUST 'CAUSE WE FUCKED DOESN'T MAKE HIM MY BOYFRIEND!" He shouted, noticing his mistake way too late. "... Shit. We do NOT FUCK-"

He was cut off by Ashido screaming like a fangirl and rushing towards him. "So you did spend your heat with him!"

"How did you figure that out!?" Katsuki shouted back, trying to wriggle away from the beta's grasp. "Well, tell us, is he prime alpha?" She asked, ignoring his question and Kaminari's whine of 'I would die to fuck a prime omega'.

"I don't know?! And why is it important?"

Jirou spoke this time, stopping Ashido from going into fangirl mode again, "Well as a prime omega, you could… yaknow… develop, I suppose, if he's also a prime. That's what happens right? I know it's a really misogynistic fact but it's still a probability…" she said, tapping her ear jacks together nervously, as if she would offend Katsuki by stating the obvious.

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