chapter 3

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Katsuki's heats were short, something he was thankful for, only lasting 2 or 3 days at most. But… they were very taxing. Mood swings from depressive sadness that made him store blades in his dresser to angry shouts and screams as fucked himself until it was painful. He endured it, and it was quick. Subconsciously, he knows that the reason his heats are so difficult and short, is because he has no alpha. Katsuki was a late bloomer, a year and a half late to be exact. Only his parents and the Midoriya's knew that he was an omega, but that was only from the fact that he had another reproductive organ inside him at birth, like most omegas, but his first heat didn't happen until he was fourteen, not thirteen like it was supposed to, so even if his alpha mother scented him daily (which he despised) it wouldn't do the trick. He just sat and craved for an alpha, a romantic alpha, not platonic scent exchanges from his mother and father.

"GO AWAY! YOU STUPID FUCKING NERD! I'LL BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF SO HARD THEY'LL BE FINDING SCRAPS OF YOU STUPIDLY THICK SKULL OF MARS!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, the one thing he was thankful for, although was a bit annoying, was his unfueled rage that never seemed to run out when Deku was around. It only got to this extent during his heats.

"Hah- ah, I'll be back tomorrow, Kacchan. Hope you feel better soon! I love you!" The nervous twat stuttered and his footsteps walked slowly away from the door.

"JUST FUCK OFF FOR EVER! I'D RATHER MATE TO A CONSTIPATED BLOBFISH THAN YOU!" he heard a quiet sigh behind the door, presumably from his father, and continued stewing in his rage. It wasn't fair. Nothing was fair, so did that make it all fair? Whatever, going off topic. He was too woozy from hormones to think a proper sentence that wasn't an insult. Shit he was going nowhere.

"Katsuki? Can I talk to-" "Go THE FUCKING FUCK AWAY OLD MAN! DOES NO ONE HERE UNDERSTAND FUCKING PERSONAL SPACE!?!" He screeched from his poorly made nest. His nest was missing something (Dabi, Dabi, Dabi, Dabi, DABI, DABI, DABIDABIDABI-), but Katsuki wasn't quite sure. He pulled the clothes he was wearing the night at the Bounty. They smelt nice, they smelt of (Dabi! Dabi is MY alpha-) pine trees and winter rain, with undertones of something else. Spicy, but not that spicy, like cinnamon or a gentle seasoning of paprika. Katsuki doesn't know where he picked up the scent because he was only around other people for the shortests of seconds. And the scent would only stick if he wanted it too, that was how scenting worked after all. He certainly didn't want to pick up another alpha's scent (two alphas, two alphas, two alphas!).

The spice smell was nice, it mixed with Katsuki's own scent (Hawks, Hawks, Hawks-). He cut the thought off much quicker than when his omega was chanting about Dabi, of all things, it's not like Dabi did anything to please his omega. But Hawks? That man was around for three seconds at most.

Okay, he needs to get his mind off the other Alpha. He wasn't important. Katsuki's phone buzzed again. Just once. He looked at it, the message wouldn't have been from Deku, because Katsuki has a special ringtone for that bastard of a nerd.


—I'm really sorry for whatever I did, Bakugou



—i was the one that ran off like a coward.

—dont blame yourself idiot.

He doesn't mean to send those texts like he did. But it made something (ALPHA! MATE! OHHH~) inside him preen.


—you didn't run off like a coward

—what did happen though?


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