chapter 4

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He trusts Yaoyorozu to take notes for him, so he's not nervous when he walks into school. He's not. He doesn't normally spend his heats in the dorms, and he was home at the weekend. So no one should suspect a thing. And no one does. He follows the normal routine he uses every 27 days.

"Bakugou! Here are your notes! We had Snipe substitute in English due to Present Mic being off, so that's why the notes are just studying material!" She smiles and passes over the notes. She's honestly the depiction of an omega in the dictionary. Always willing to help, perfect body, etcetera, etcetera. But she's not, she's a badass, she would kick alpha ass instead of laying down to obey, and he respects her for that. Honestly, she's one of the few people he respects, not deems equal, but respects. And she's nice about it. She just goes on about her day, she doesn't question when he writes down notes for her when her heats come, she doesn't question when Katsuki willingly studies with her, to expand both of their knowledge.

All in all… Katsuki is slightly jealous. He wants that. He wants to be the perfect pretty housewife. He wants to be an omega like her, pretty, perfect, and more than people expect. He does want to be him, his personality, his lack of everything omega ever. But he wants to fit in, he doesn't want people to question whether he is or not. If he's secretly an alpha or beta. He doesn't want people to be scared of him.

Maybe it the post-heat hormones that are making him stew in his sadness and rage, but he kicks his feet onto his desk, just waiting for Iida to come up to him, to scold him, to say—

"You should respect the craftsmanship of the desk! It doesn't matter that this is the last year of high school! We still have much to learn about heroics and you must also learn about respect!" Iida shouts, arm waving around like a broken animatronic, like always. It's the same play, different improv each day, but the same plot nevertheless. It's boring and tiresome.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever foureyes." He waves the alpha off and finishes reading Yaoyorozu's notes. Iida hesitates for a second, muttering something under his breath and walking away. What? He didn't normally do that… whatever. Something's probably happened in his private life that Katsuki wants nothing to do with.

Overall, the day goes over fine. He's nervous about what happens next. He had agreed that he would go to Dabi's house after school, it was his idea, he wanted to just get it out quick instead of wallowing. The wallowing he was doing was surprisingly making it harder for him to pay attention in class. It wasn't as if he were feeling guilty. No, he was Bakugou Katsuki. And Bakugou Katsuki didn't feel guilty, nor did he feel any emotion aside from anger. But that was first year Bakugou, the Bakugou that's stuck in everyone's heads. The Bakugou who wouldn't care about anyone's opinions, because he's above them. But in hero school, he's not first place anymore. He's not more powerful, he's not smarter, he's not stronger. He's just Bakugou. And that's kinda scary.

Dabi's house is nothing fancy, just a detached townhouse not too far away from his own house, maybe 3 to 4 miles. He could walk here from his own house, why is he thinking about this? It's really not important.

The door swings open, revealing Dabi standing in front of it. Katsuki's eyes gaze upon the man, he looks so much nicer out of the stingy night club lights. "Hi." Is all he whispers out before following Dabi inside. Every wall and surface seemed to be covered in something, whether it be giant murals depicting hells goats stretching across the wall or it being smaller pieces hung up in black picture frames mixed in with clouded mirrors. There were also paint brushes and paints of various colours strewn across the coffee table as if Dabi forgot about their meeting. Because it's no doubt that these things were Dabi's, they fit his aesthetic way too well for them to be anything but his.

"So, the arranged mating thing? How's that working out?" The raven head asked, guiding Katsuki to the couch where he all to happily sat down, he was kinda tired, just a little after walking form the so-called 'nearest bus stop' (google maps can suck his dick, making him walk all that way, only to find a bus stop on Dabi's street). Dabi looked concerned, way too concerned about something as trivial as an arranged mating, it's not as if he was going to be forced into it, he was just going to have to sit there and wait for the pain to be over. "We can wait until—"

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