Chapter 33

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It's almost midnight, but the loud music and sounds of people talking in the living room are barely audible as I lay on the bed with Letty.

"You know I can't help but think about this same time last year," Letty says.

I snort. "I think at this time last year I was still hooking up with that other chick." Letty slaps me and I giggle, placing a kiss on her bare chest.

"You sure you don't wanna go out there and party with everyone else?" Letty asks. I hum and shake my head.

"Nope," I say, snuggling deeper into her embrace. "I'm comfy right here."

She giggles and slaps my ass. "Pendeja. Come on. We have guests."

"Didn't seem to worry you too much not too long ago when you were moaning my name," I smirk.

Letty rolls her eyes, but doesn't have a witty comeback for me this time, much to my surprise. She stares at me for a moment with a look I can't quite place. I furrow my brows.

"You okay Let?"

She shakes herself off and the look disappears from her face. "Yeah I'm fine. Hey, come on. I got an idea."

She ignores my complaining and stands up to get dressed, tossing some clothes at me and grabbing her car keys off the dresser. I follow her out the door, into her car, and sit confused as we pull up to Toretto's garage.

"Letty what are we doing at work?"

"Shh, just give me a minute," she smiles, unlocking the door and leading me inside. She leaves me standing in an open space and goes over to the stereo, picking up a CD and letting it play. I feel a smile take over my face as the opening to one of mine and my ma's favorite boleros starts playing through the garage. She laughs and takes me into her arms, and we start swaying together to the music. When the lyrics start, Letty opens her mouth and starts singing along badly, making me burst out laughing. She giggles and buries her face in my neck.

"Fuck, Gabi, I know I'm not great at singing but goddamn," she laughs.

"No it's so good," I chuckle. "Fantastic singing. You're so talented."

She hits my chest lightly before leaning forward and resting her forehead on mine. I can feel my heart aching for my ma, to hear her fun-filled voice singing along to her favorite part just like she would every time this song played.

"You okay?" Letty asks. I nod.

"I miss my ma," I whisper. "I wish she was here."

Letty glances at the stereo and smiles as the song keeps playing.

"She is."

Suddenly we hear fireworks going off outside and I'm shocked to see the clock on the wall read 12:00 AM. I grin at my girlfriend.

"Happy New Year baby," I whisper. She leans forward, grinning, and captures my lips with hers. At this point I don't think I'll ever reach a point where I don't get butterflies when she kisses me. Which, honestly, I'm more than okay with. But I pull back for a moment and look at her. I look at the woman in front of me, the one who I hit in the face with a locker door, who's helped me heal and be myself time and time again since the very first week I pulled into the house down the street from the Torettos. I steel myself and look into those beautiful brown eyes.

"I love you Letty," I say.

Her jaw drops and she stops moving altogether.

"I hope that's okay," I say quietly, looking down. "But I ain't taking it back, 'cause I do."

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