Author's Note

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heyyyyyyyyyyyy :D if you've gotten all the way here, wow thank you so so much for hanging in there and pushing through the process with me. it's kinda hard to believe it's over ugh :'( as inconsistent and bad this probably was lol, i did really enjoy writing it and getting the chance to kind of step into the world of The Fast and The Furious every now and then :) this is definitely one of, if not my favorite, movie franchises and it has been SO MUCH FUN writing in an original character. honestly i think the most amusing thing to me is that this whole story came from a random conversation with a friend. i kept complaining there were no fanfics that i actually really resonated with or had characters i could relate to and at some point they literally just went "so fucking write it yourself lol" XD i almost didn't do it. but now here we are!! 

seriously though, thank you guys so much for reading and interacting with the story. you have no idea how much joy it brings me to see all the votes and read everyone's comments and reactions to the happenings in the story. 


i've purposely been saving this for the end haha. i will say this: a sequel is on the way. to be totally transparent, i can't tell you when it's coming, or how often it will be updated, or how long it will be, or much at all really. i'm leaving in a couple days for college in a totally different state with pretty much no one else that i knew from high school, so i will be very busy and very swamped. writing is just a hobby for me and with everything that's happening i gotta say it won't be a priority for me at all :/ HOWEVER... it will follow the fast and furious movie series from now on and i'm kind excited to figure out how Gabi will fit into everything, maybe even try some new perspectives or writing povs, especially since Brian's the main character of the first several movies and has technically already met Gabi by now ;P but i WILL write it, whether it takes me months or years to do it lmao. 

anyways, thank you guys again for sticking with me and loving Gabi as much as I loved writing her. i'll be back !! <3

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