Chapter 14

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Spending time with Maya turns out to be a lot more fun than I thought. A couple weeks back I found this real quiet little stop off of the highway that looks out over the water, so today I take her there after we grab some sandwiches at the bodega. It's usually empty, not many cars ever stop there, so I pump up the music and drive us over. We sit and watch the water, we sing along to Destiny's Child and Eminem, and we talk for what feels like the longest time.

"Can I ask you something?" I say hesitantly. She watches me expectantly. "What prompted you to ask me to the dance?" I chuckle. "Besides the fact you could already tell I was gay."

She thinks for a moment. "I don't really know. I think even when we just saw each other as classmates I was kind of crushing on you. You're quiet but not really afraid of confrontation or speaking up either. And you seemed chill. I figured it was worth asking anyway. Letty kinda gave me the chance to do it, too. Why not, right? Worst case you took it differently and I could just get to moving on. Lucky that didn't happen huh?" She smiles at me.

"You know Letty only asked you to come help us study because of me," I admit, feeling my cheeks burn.

She blushes. "What?" I chuckle.

"I may or may not have been checking you out before she called you over."

"Oh that's-that's cool," she stammers. I smirk.

I glance around to see if anyone has joined us on the cliff and to my delight we are still alone. So I lean forward and say, "Also when you came up to us during the dance."


"Mhm. And earlier when you got dropped off at the bodega."

She smiles shyly and says, "I-I didn't even notice."

"Oh really? You're the oblivious type then huh?"

"Maybe I just like to hear you say it." She grins, and I close the gap, kissing her softly. Maya's hand comes up to rest on my cheek and I get these butterflies in my stomach. I'm still wary, though, so I break it off sooner than I'd like to see if anyone has shown up.

She merely smiles at me and adjusts herself in her seat while I start the car back up.

The entire drive back my hand rests on her leg, enjoying the tickling feeling I get as she softly rubs my arm. I drop her off at her house before going home and grabbing my toiletry bag from the bathroom. I'm spending the night at the Toretto's today since my ma is on a night shift, so I just walk over.

Mr. T and my ma stand at the door, watching me walk up.

"Hey Mr. T. Hi Ma," I say, hugging them both.

"So how was your date?" my ma asks.

My eyes widen and I blush. They laugh.

"Oh come on Gabi you didn't really think you'd be able to hide it from us for that long did you?" Mr. T ruffles my hair.

"Uh, it was-it was fun," I stammer.

Chuckling, my ma quickly kisses me before saying goodbye and leaving for the hospital. I give Mr. T an embarrassed grin before stepping into the living room, where my friends are watching a movie. Mia and Jessie are lying on the floor, Leon's in an armchair, and Dom is sitting on the couch with Vince. I walk over and plop myself into Vince's lap.

"Hey! Get your own damn seat," he complains, shoving me onto the floor. I pout and push him over.

"Scoot your ass over then," I say. I sit between him and Dom, making sure to not lean on either of them. Letty comes in from the kitchen with a big bowl of popcorn and sits on Dom's lap. I don't know when I fell asleep, but before I know it I'm being poked awake by Vince, who's shoulder I'm leaning on.

"Hey I gotta get home Gabi," he mutters.

I jerk upwards.

"Shit sorry Vince," I say. He shrugs and claps my hand, then says goodbye to everyone along with Leon and Jessie.

"You staying here or going home tonight Let?" I ask.

"Nah ain't no way I'm gonna let you and Mia have fun without me," she smiles. "Plus we still gotta hear about your date."

"Ooh yeah how'd it go? Tell us everything," Mia pats my leg excitedly.

I send a pleading look towards Dom, who just raises his hands up and says, "If I said I wasn't curious I'd be lying so I'd start talking."

There wasn't really much to say other than we listened to music and talked the whole time. They get excited when I mention that we kissed, but afterwards we just end up going to bed early.

Sometime after Letty and Mia have fallen asleep I head downstairs to get some water. I jump slightly at the sight of someone in the kitchen but relax when I realize it's just Dom.

"Hey Dom."


"Couldn't sleep?"

"Not yet."

I nod and go to fill my cup. Dom's an amazing friend but I get awkward real easily. Sometimes I wonder if he just tolerates me, and I get the same feeling now as we stand together in the kitchen in silence.

"You know I'm glad you came Gabi," he says suddenly.

I cock my head. "Well yeah me too, I love spending the night here."

"No I mean like... I'm actually real glad you guys came. That you moved to LA. I know you ain't even been here that long but still."

What the hell? My eyes well up with tears and I turn away, wiping them off on my hand. I hate crying in front of people, and I was not expecting this by any shot. He must've seen right through me, dammit. It's not like either Dom or me to be very open but somehow we can read each other like an open book and I've never had a friend like that before. I feel arms wrap around me from behind and I lean my head on his shoulder.

"I'm really glad we came, too," I say softly. "I never wanted to come but honestly...? Sometimes I get scared just thinking about where I'd be right now if we'd stayed. Or if I hadn't met you idiots." I playfully slap his arm. "This sounds flat out depressing but thanks for... for not beating me up when you found out I was a lesbian."

He turns to me and squeezes my hands.

"We ain't like that in this house okay?" he assures me. "And hey, you're gonna meet people that are gonna hate it, and they're gonna be dicks, and you can't really control it. One thing for sure is you're gonna have us standing by you for all of it. And look, somebody gives you trouble you call us over, and the boys and I will bash their head in. If you don't get to it first, anyway." He winks and I laugh, nodding.

"Aight Toretto, you got yourself a deal," I say, clapping his hand.

He grins and turns to go back to his room.

"Night Gabi."

I smile. "Good night."

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