Chapter 6: Sleeping beauty

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Wow! Thank you for all the reads!! I just got my nance, kind of an expander but doesn't need cranked it just sits there, off and my mouth has been really sore! I hope you like the chapter! I'll post either later tonight or tomorrow!! Remember you are loved!!! Happy reading! - Maddy

~ third person Pov Jade's dreamworld~

Jade opened her eyes and saw she was in a bed. Her bed before the crash. She looked around very confused. She saw flashbacks of before the accident, whenever her father loved her, her siblings and mother were alive, and when she was happy.

But this was different. It wasn't like how she remembered. He family looked... older. Like the crash never happened.

Did it happen? Or was it all in her head? Was it just a nightmare? Did she even have her soulmates?

All these questions ran through Jade's head. She thought about it and checked her body for soulmarks.


Not a damn thing.

Not a scar.

Not a bruise.

Not even a blemish on her face.

It seemed like she was perfect. Not a mark on her. So thin, her body resembled paper.

Jade got up and looked in the mirror and gasped at what she saw.

She didn't have her scar across her face. So was all of it just a dream?

Jade thought back to the last thing she remembered. Scott stood over her saying something kind, then Peter swooped in and lifted her up. She just remembered bits and pieces after that. A whoosh here. A flash of blue there.

She went out and saw Willow and Noah, her older twin siblings, bantering in the kitchen.

"It's my muffin!" Willow yelled, trying to get the muffin, which Noah held just out of reach.

"Nuh uh! It's mine now!" He said looking down at Willow.

He grew. He used to be 5'7 but now he looked to be about 6'5. (Tall ass motherfucker.) Willow grew too. She used to be 5'3 now she was around 5'8 (still tall motherfucker!)

"Sis, tell Willow it's my muffin now!" Noah said turning to face Jade.

"I- I- it's technically Noah's sis." Jade stuttered out.

"Ha!" Noah laughed before taking a bite out of the muffin.

"Bitch! That was my muffin!" Willow whined dramatically.

"Willow, sweetie, language." Their mother said walking into the room with a baby on her hip.

"Mom!" Jade yelped, running over and giving her a hug.

"Woah! Jade be careful of Helena! You know she's only 4!" Freya scolded her daughter.

"Any hugs for me?" Jacob asked, walking into the room.

Jade stiffened. "Stay away you, dickbag!" She growled grabbing a knife.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Put the knife down Jay!" Noah said waking in front of her.

"Relax No. She's probably working on her drama class for college." Jacob soothed his son.

"... yea. I was." She said, putting down the knife.

~meanwhile: Avengers Pov~

It was going on to day 3, and she still hasn't shown any signs of waking up.

The Avengers didn't sleep since then. They wouldn't have eaten if it hadn't been for Stephen and Bruce, forcing them to eat.

The group never left her side.

Peter felt guilty. If he had gotten there sooner, he could've stopped her asswipe of a father. He was sitting next to Scott, with his feet in his lap, and Loki, laying his head on his lap.

Loki felt horrible. If only he stopped her from leaving. He could've helped her. He debated on going against the Avengers rules and using his powers to heal her, but it could either kill him, kill her, or just heal her leaving him drained.

Wanda felt the same as Loki. She knew all the self deprecating thoughts the soulmates had. She knew Loki thought he could heal her. She knew and felt all emotion.

Stephen, Bruce and Tony felt like shit. They could've helped her more. It's in their nature to overthink. Their overthinkers and blame themselves all the time.

Everyone else felt a mix of all the emotions their other mates did. Thor felt sadness and guilt. Nat felt sad and shitty, Steve and Buck felt horrible like their insides turned to mush, Pietro was blaming himself for not getting there faster, Clint felt like a dick he should've seen the signs, and Scott just felt horrid. If he had called for backup asap, she would be awake now.

     "When will she wake up?" Thor said, quiet for fucking once.

      "I don't know. It could be hours, days, weeks, or even months. And that's if she does wake." Stephen said solemnly.

~and now back to Jade! Right after a small commercial break brought to you by thordon Ramsey.~

~Anyways! Now back to you Jade!~

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~Anyways! Now back to you Jade!~

Jade was getting more and more skeptical of her situation.

It reminded her of one episode of Supernatural. Dean goes out on a hunt and a djinn gets him and makes him see his mother is alive, his brother's girlfriend is alive, and there are no supernatural creatures at all. It felt like it too.

Then she remembered how Dean got out of it.

He killed himself.

She knew it was risky. She would either die or go back to her world. It was a 50/50 shot.

Jade grabbed a dagger and thought to herself, 'Fuck it.'

She got ready to plunge the dagger in whenever her family, just her mom and siblings, appeared.

"You don't want to do this." Her mother said.

"Yeah! We can be together in your own personal heaven." Noah told her.

"You wouldn't have to go back." Willow cooed.

"Yes I do. My loves are there. I can't live without them." Jade cried.

"No don't-!" Freya yelled.

But it was too late. Jade stabbed herself, hoping that she was right.

Then... she woke up with a gasp.

Hi! Thanks for reading! I'll post the day after tomorrow! Sorry it's so short! I'm hoping it'll be longer, but no promises! Have a good night and as always remember you are loved - Maddy

Words: 1010

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