Chapter 10: I have more?!

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     Hey babes! This might, but probably won't, be the last time I post for a little while. My schedule is fuckin packed. Anyways, carry on babes!

~the Avengers Pov: Jade's bodyguards' style~

     "You take that back!"

     "I'm going to kill you!"

     "How could you?!?!"

      Were all things Jade could hear.

     'Dear gods. Is this how Steve and Buck felt when they were kicking Hydra's ass?' She asked herself.

     "Calm down! This doesn't have to end in bloodshed." Scott said. "I'm looking at you stabby." He added looking at Loki, who had daggers in his hands.

     "Come on guys! It's just Monopoly! God! Is this what game night is?" Jade asked.

     "Yeah but Nat will sometimes attempt to murder Tony." Peter chirped.

     "And Steve will hold him back." Buck smirked.

"I'll kill you Loki! You stole my last railroad!" Clint screamed angrily.

"It isn't my fault you where an easy target." Loki taunted.

"Woah woah woah! Easy! Stop it!" Jade yelled while Scott had a different idea.

"Fight fight fight!" He chanted.

"Mr. soulmate Bucky! I'll grab the popcorn!" Peter said cutely.

"How many times do I gotta tell ya Queens. Just call me Bucky or Buck." Bucky smiled.

~timeskip brought to you by Peter, Loki, Wanda, Shuri, and Bucky having a sleep over and braiding each other's hair~

The rest of the team walked in with the merc with a mouth, Shuri, Sam, and T'Challa.

"Hey Loki, what do ya got there?" Scott asked.

"A knife!" Loki smiles happily.

"NO!" Bucky and Jade yelled in unison.

"Shhhh guys! I wanna watch this!" Peter said from his web hammock, which was on the friggin ceiling.

Clint and Loki were arguing and it was getting really heated.

"Shut up you grease monkey!" Clint grumbled.

"Shove off you stupid bird." Loki retorted.

"Hey! What's happening?" Mr. Star-Spangled Banner asked.

"We were playing an innocent game of Monopoly when those two idiots decide to have a war." Peter explained, munching on some popcorn.

The poor boy didn't even notice Wade, who had taken his mask off, sneak over to him.

"Hey Spidey babe. What's cookin hot stuff?" Wade flirted.

Peter blushed and offered Wade some popcorn.

"Oh shit! Who's winning?" He whispered.

"So far Loki, but if Clint had his bow, it'd be fair game." Peter hissed back.

Shuri, Bucky, Pietro, Wanda, Scott, and Jade were talking about memes.

"... holy fuck! Did that really happen?! Naw! Spill the tea sis!" Shuri said.

"No Jade don't-" Pietro and Wanda started.

"So basically..." Jade said.

"Dear god there's seven of them." Stephen sighed.

"Anyways what bring you three and the merc here other than the info?" Thor asked.

"We were sent to bring Deadpool in. But it got complicated when we realized he was out mates." T'Challa said.

"Wait so what you're saying is we got two for the price of one? Wicked!" Tony smirked.

"God, so help me." Steve sighed, wishing he wasn't fucking 100 something.

Hey babes! I might post tomorrow or Wednesday, but it'll have to be after school! Love y'all! - Maddy

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