Chapter 14: The flextape

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Hi babes! I think I'll update Wednesday and sometime during the weekend! I might update sooner, but idk. I will not be updating next weekend; my family has a yard sale. Anyways! Tell me what you think babes! Love y'all! - Maddy

~Time skip: A week later~

~Avenger Pov brought to you by Peter and Loki eating tidepods while Tony and Thor try to make them cough it up~

Jade finally got Stephen and Bruce to discharge her from medbay. It took a hell of a lot of begging and puppy dog eyes, which she learned from Peter.

"I still don't think discharging you is a good idea..." Stephen sighed.

"Look Stephen. I live in the tower! I'll be fine beside I know Tony put cameras everywhere, Nat told me, so I'll be monitored 24/7! Come to think of it, I should probably check my room's bathroom for cameras..." Jade sighed.

"Fineeee." Stephen grumbled. "I'll call Steve, Nat, Bucky, and Wade to come and get you." He added begrudgingly. They had played Rock Paper Scissors, and Bucky pulled out the metal arm again, so everyone except the other three forfeited.

"Alright thanks babe!" Jade smiled and pecked his lips.

In around five minutes, the mini team came in.

"Hey Bucky? What do you think of the name Sebastian?" Wade said as they walked in.

"I hate it. Who would name their kid that?" Bucky replied. (I don't mean to offend anyone with the name Sebastian, but I just had to break the fourth wall!)

"Hey darling." Nat purred, pressing a kiss to Jade's cheek.

"Hey baby!" Jade smiled, returning the favor.

"Awww how cute! But where's mine?" Wade pouted.

Jade smirked and kissed Wade in the cheek. Then she kissed Buck and Steve.

"Alright I'm happy now. Let's go sweetcheeks!" Wade licked his lips, looking her up and down.

"Let's go doll." Buck said picking Jade up and carrying her to her room.

Bucky took her on a tour of her room. (I couldn't find any pics so I did my best to describe it.)

Her room was a light grey color with hardwood floors. Her bed was queen sized with a white nightstand on each side of her bed. Her bedspread was white and pillowy. Her room was easily twice as big as her room at her dad's place.

She had a walk in closet on the left of her room. It was friggin huge! Half the size of her room. It was decked out with several clothes and shoes.

Jade had a bathroom right next to her closet. It had a stand up shower and a tub. She had two sinks and a huge mirror.

Jade looked around the bathroom carefully and saw a camera on the corner of the mirror.

"Umm... Buck? Is that supposed to be there?" Jade asked, pointing to the camera.

"Ugh. No dammit Stark." Bucky sighed as Steve took the camera off, muttering something about Stark being a perv.

"Damn Stark." Nat sighed, looking glaring at the camera. She could almost hear Tony say something...


"Mr. Stark? Why are you running?" Peter said innocently.

"I understood that reference." Loki smirked.

"Yes!" Shuri high-fived him.

"NAT'S GONNA KILL ME!" Tony screamed, grabbing his sunglasses.

"What? Why?" Sam asked.

"He was probably being a pervert again." Pietro sighed.

"Oh hundred percent, but what'd he do?" Clint chuckled.

"...Tony. You didn't." Wanda grumbled.

"What did the man of iron do now?" Thor boomed.

"I may have... kind of... put a camera in her bathroom..." Tony laughed awkwardly, but he didn't regret it.

"Anthony..." T'Challa growled.

"Now you guys are gonna kill me!!" Tony yelled.

"HELP ME!!!!" Tony yelled again.

"Was it really so bad?" Loki smirked. "Our naked mate? In a shower... showing off her body..."

"YES!" They yelled at him.

"Really? I didn't think so." Loki shrugged.

~back downstairs~

"HELP!" They heard Tony scream.

"You think he told them?" Steve smirked.

"Oh hell yeah." Wade smirked.

"Fucking right!" Bucky sniggered.

"Damn straight." Nat smiled.

"Oh yeah." Jade chuckled.

"Language!" Steve yelled.

"Can it Chris!" Wade yelled back.

"Who the hell is Chris?" Steve asked.

"Oh shit. I broke the fourth wall again. I gotta grab the flex tape. Be back in a sec." Wade ran out.

"What?" Nat asked.

"Who the hell is Chris?" Steve screamed as he ran after him.

"Well that was interesting." Bucky smirked, setting Jade down on her bed.

"Yep. It always is." Jade smiled.

The end.

Jk. It's almost the end. I'm thinking around 30- 40 chapters total. Anyways night babes! Love you! - Maddy

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