Chapter 21: The prisoner

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Thanks for 53.9k reads babes! I hope you like it! Also I might not update on Wednesday next week because of Pssa's. Bleh. Anyways! Have a good night! Love y'all! - Maddy

~Avengers Pov: brought to you by Tony and Zemo throwing ones at anyone who walks past #richpeoplegoals ~

     "Fuck off you utter twat." Valkyrie stalked out of the room with Thor and Hope following. The other girls we're about to follow when they heard this:

     "That's right bitch. Stay in your place. This is what men do, so just stay in the kitchen and fetch me a beer." Jacob grumbled, crossing his arms and sitting down.

     "What. Did. You. Just. Say." Natasha slowly turned around. Steve was getting ready to grab her, but thought better of it and just stayed down.

     "Oh shit. It's about to go down." Peter, Shuri, cause Wade held her back, Wade, and Scott sat down with some... popcorn? Where tf do they get it?? Cause I want some.

     "Now now, ladies, calm down." Loki held his hands out as some sort of sign of peace.

      "Et tu greasy?" Hope complained.

     "Oh Valhalla no. I just wanted to say my piece." Loki knee better than to get in between an angry woman and her target. Sif taught him that.

     "Finally some man with common sense." Jacob growled, getting up.

     "Stay down you mewling quim. You cannot speak to a lady like that and expect to not get your punishment." Loki hissed at him.

     "But I-" Jacob began.

     "No. Shut ze fuck up you arsehole." Pietro quieted him. "Let the grease ball speak."

     "No woman should be treated like that. They should be treated with respect and kindness. They are far better than us and no matter what we do, they will still take the lead." Loki declared. (Pop off king)

     "But she's a bisexual!" Jacob yelled. "She's going straight to hell!" (Sadly I've been told that too, but just know it isn't true.)

      "She has a right to do what she pleases with her own body." Bucky's quiet voice echoed inside the room.

     "In Wakanda, women are treated the same as we are, if not honored. You must always respect them." T'Challa said. Shuri joined in on the last sentence.

     "Back in the 40's women didn't have rights, but that is utter bullshit." Steve declared, glaring at Tony who was just about to make a snide remark.

     "Women are people too. Treat them like it." Bruce grumbled.

     "Her powers don't make her human!" Jacob yelled.

     "...powers?" The Avengers chorused confusedly.

      Night babes! Love y'all! - Maddy

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