Chapter 24: Howdy boys

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     Howdy babes! This'll be really short cuz A. Stress and B. One of my besties is in the hospital and I'm babysitting her little siblings. Anyways! Remember not posting Wednesday but yes for Sunday! Love y'all! - Maddy

~with Jade: brought to you by the Avengers having a game night... a very chaotic game night... one involving Loki trying to enslave the Earth again with the help of Scott, Clint, Thor, Pietro, Wanda, Peter, Shuri, and Bucky~

      Jade was having mental breakdown... Love that cuz like same.

     "Fucking shitknuckles! Jade what the fuck!" Wade was laying... torn in half... on the floor more angry about his clothes than being torn in half... classic Deadpool.

     But Jade didn't hear him. She was stuck in her own world. No hearing or sight needed.

     The other Avengers ran in.

      "Wade??? How the hell are you still alive???" Zemo yelled.

      "Oh dope! My second cousin had this happen to him! So Dante was sitting outside talking to me and he was like 'yo Luis! You the best cousin in the world!' and I was like 'bro thanks! You not too bad yourself!' and then we got up and walked around the block to a construction site. We was looking at a crane and he was like 'bro what would happen if I got hit with one of those?' and I was like 'bro you'd totally die.' and he was like 'ight bet.' and ran over and got hit by a crane! He was like 'bro that was dope!' and then he died. Yeah." Luis said. Scott and a disturbed Quill hugged him and gave him a kiss.

     "Ok then. Anyways! Dickpool! Jade! You guys good?" Tony asked.

     "Fucking peachy iron ass! I love being ripped apart! So damn kinky! But my shirt! I loved this shirt!" Wade whined.

     Jade just stood in her bubble of ice, unresponsive. 

     "She'll be fine, right Bruce, Stephen?" Pietro asked hesitantly.

     "If someone can break the ice." Stephen replied.

     "Pointbreak, Greasy, Capsicle, Terminator, and Carol. You're up." Clint took a step back, fearful of what Carol would do to him.

     The spoken took their turns, Steve and Buck tried punching the ice, they didn't succeed but Bucky lost his arm. Loki tried his voodoo shit. Thor tried using Johnathan. And Carol used her magic hair. It made a small dent.

      "Ms. Wanda. Pietro. You are up." T'challa smiled.

     The twins used their powers, Wanda's sparkly mist fingers and Pietro's speedy shit. Eventually it broke the ice. Like when Steve was unfrozen after 70 years! Shuri and Peter held her close.

     Wanda gave Buck his arm back.

     "My friend would love your arm. He has a thing for those things." Gamora said with a smirk.

      "Heh heh sure." Bucky chuckled. " He's not getting my arm."

     Suddenly a smaller space ship landed outside, mind you Jade is still unconscious.

     "Hey. How much for the arm? Name it and you got it." A... Space raccoon... yelled as he walked out of the ship.

      "Not for fucking sale!" Bucky yelled.

     "Oh I'll get that arm." The raccoon laughed.

      "Hello friends." A grey man screamed across the yard.

      "Hello Gamora and Quill!!" A bug looking girl yelled.

     "Mantis? Drax, Rocket?? The hell are you doing here! We though you found your mates!" Quill yelled and ran out to hug them.

      "More people? Not mates tho. Noted." Wade stood up and adjusted himself.

     "How the fuck did you do that?" Drax screeched.

      "I want the guy too." Rocket started to run towards Wade.

Anyways night babes! Hope allergies aren't bothering you too much! Love y'all! - Maddy

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