Chapter 20: A friendly... talk

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Hey guys!! Thanks for 50.3k reads!!! I just published a new story! It's an Avengers and Pirates of the Caribbean crossover! Hope you all are ok! And if you aren't my dm's are always open! Love y'all! - Maddy

~Avengers Pov: brought to you by Bucky singing to Steve 'oh mickey you so fine you so fine you blow my mind hey Mickey'~

After the Avengers got their gear... and stopped Loki from sending the Chitari... again... they walked down to the cells.

"This feels oddly familiar." Loki said, getting ptsd flashbacks.

"I wonder why, reindeer games?" Tony asked, sarcastically.

"Alright. Scott put him in cell 7, right?" Bucky questioned.

"Yep. I shoulda killed him." Scott said remorsefully.

"Then their wouldn't be any of him left for us." Valkyrie comforted him.

"True." Hope wrapped her arm around Scott's shoulders and kissed his cheek.

They finally reached his cell door and Zemo almost shot the keypad.

"Easy there hotshot!" Tony yelled. "This stuff doesn't grow on trees!"

"Aren't you a billionaire?" Zemo asked.

"Yes, but that doesn't make it any cheaper!" Tony whined.

Nat entered the code in and the door opened. The scumbag leapt up and begged for mercy.

"Do you know why you're here?" Steve questioned the man.

"No! I swear I've never done anything wrong!" Michael cried out.

"Boy what about Jade?" Sam was ready to pummel him into a pulp, but Bucky kissed his cheek and held him close.

"You can kill him later. We need answers." Bucky whispered in his ear.

      "Thanks Buck. I needed that." Sam turned and pecked Bucky's lips.

     "Jade? Oh that slut deserved it. She was always whoring around and being disrespectful. You guys understand right? Women need to know their place." Michael crossed his arms and sat down.

     By now everyone was ready to kill him, but they all refrained, whether willingly or not.

     "No. We don't understand how a man could do that to his own daughter." Steve gritted out.

      "The little slut has it coming." Michael defended himself.

     "Let me at him Scottie. Let me at him." Luis was trying not to rip Michael's face off.

      "How could she have had it coming? She's your own blood. No one should have to go through that." Quill shouted.

      "Blood doesn't always matter son. You'll understand when you've lost everyone. Blood is only a distraction. A mere guideline. But if you look past it, you can see the big picture." Michael ground out.

      "I have lost everything. Everyone that I've ever loved. I can't understand how you can do that to her. She's so innocent. So kind." Nat yelled, walking towards the cell and brushing Bruce and Clint off.

      "So sweet. She just vants to make you happy." Wanda growled, walking towards Nat.

      "Of course you'd say that! You're women." Michael spat put the word women like it was some sort of curse.

     "We may be women but we are more of a person than you'll ever be." Gamora walked towards the other two girls.

      The girls all took their places and the guys stood back, silent. Even Wade who cracks jokes 24/7 was quiet.

      "Just because we have vaginas doesn't mean we aren't people." Hope yelled.

     "We have feelings too, you self-serving bastard." Carol glared.

      "Just because you're a little bitch who believes that doesn't mean you're right." Valkyrie grunted.

     The girls were going off on his ass.

     Hey guys! Hope you liked it! Night! Love y'all, happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! - Maddy

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