Chapter 9: You did what?!

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     Omfg thank you for all the support! I'm going to add not only one mystery guy but T'Challa as well. I might add Shuri, cause tbh she's like hella hot, but idk. Anyways happy reading babes! Love ya! - Maddy

~the Avengers Pov~

     "You did what?!?!" The soulmates screamed in unison.

     "You heard me! I killed myself. Stabbed myself right in the stomach." Jade said proudly.

     Stephen and Bruce quickly ran and checked her stomach for wounds.

     "No I stabbed myself in my subconscious. It wasn't real. It was in my head." She explained to them.

     "I don't care if it was in your head or not! No stabbing yourself!" Tony lectured.

     It was all silent until Loki asked the dreaded question.

     " what kind of blade did you stab yourself with?" He asked.

     "Loki!" Nat yelled.

     "No brother!" Thor bellowed.

     "Wait Mr. Loki! Your onto something! What did it look like?" Peter asked excitedly.

     "See Loki. Your corrupting the kid." Steve muttered.

     "Princessa was the knife at least clean?" Pietro asked.

     "We don't ask her questions like that!" Wanda scolded her brother.

     "Doll? Did it hurt?" Buck asked her.

      "Not really. Only for a little bit. Then I was floating." Jade said dreamily.

     "You aren't going anywhere near knives for a long time little dove." Clint muttered.

     "Sir, we appear to have visitors." Jarvis said.

      "Who are they?" Scott butted in.

     "I'm not authorized to give that information." Jarvis said again.

    "Terminator, Katniss, Pissant, Rock of Ages, and Spiderkid stay with Jade." Tony ordered. (Priorities man!)

     "Alright. Let's go."

     The Avengers took off, minus Bucky, Clint, Scott, Loki, and Peter.

~the Avengers stealth group Pov~

     "Prepare to fire." Tony said.

     Thor prepared to throw mew mew. Nat got into her assassin position. Steve got his shield. Stephen did his magic finger dance. Tony got the blasters ready. Wanda prepared to use her powers. Pietro was ready to take those bitches for a long ass ride. Bruce was mentally preparing himself to hulk out.

     Steve opened the door and T'Challa, Shuri, Sam, and a dude wearing a black and red mask were just standing there outside.

     "Are you gonna let us in or are we supposed to freeze?" Sam asked impatiently.

     "Steve. It is good to see your again." T'Challa smiled.

     "Where are my favorite white boys and girl?" Shuri asked.

     Pietro ran forward and Wanda took a step towards her.

     "Bucky and Peter are in the medbay with our mate." Wanda said.

     "Woah woah woah. Hold up? I got more mates?? What the everloving fuck?" The mask dude smirked.

     "I'm sorry who is Spider-Man 2.0?" Tony asked.

     "His name is Deadpool-" Sam started.

     "My name is Wade you assholes! And I love Spider-Man. It's more of a bisexual tingle but I just wanna tie him up and-" Wade smirked.

"Woah woah woah! Dickpool slow your ass down!" Tony yelled, looking over at Peter who was blushing.

"Why did you bring him?" Stephen asked.

"He said he had information on our mate. Clearly he was wrong." T'Challa answered.

"I wasn't wrong! I did have info on her! She's with the Avengers! And she isn't just your mate! She's mine too!" Wade said dramatically.

"...WHAT?" The soulmates chorused.

K guys I'm in school rn and forgot to post this this morning, so surprise! Anyways, I'll post again later this week! Love y'all! - Maddy

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