Long ago, In the Kingdom of Heimweh, I am told there was peace. I am told that we once lived in a time where the sky not only held the sun, but the stars as well, with an ability to shift light and dark as it felt. I am told that the light shone even bigger and brighter in the darkness. I am told that light and dark lived in peace, in harmony. And then, the war came.
No one recalls who started the war, but everyone remembers the consequences. Millions dead. Even more injured and stripped of their power. I am told that those responsible were taken care of, that they faced a fate worse than death, but no one remembers the details. The writing of that history has long been destroyed.
In an attempt to create peace once again, our Predecessors decided to split Heimweh into two realms: Illumnae, the land of light, and Moros, the land of darkness, the realms separated by the Imperium Wall, the source of each Shifters' power. Each realm was split into provinces, based on the ability of each Shifter who would reside there, each province ruled by its own set of Royalty.
Illumnae, was split among the Shifters into five provinces. Most North, lay Electa, the land of electricity. The Electian Shifters held the ability to control lighting, shifter-made electricity, the like of which power our homes, and even creatures of electricity, such as lightning bugs and jellyfish. On Electa's south eastern border was the Province of Alburnia, home to the Fire Shifters, with the ability to control extreme heat, lava, and flame. To the East of Alburnia held the Wall, and to the south west lay Solis. The Solis Province was a land of sunlight, with the ability to manipulate the natural energy of the sun to their own will. Neighboring Solis was Lusaetri, the Province of starlight. Lusaetrians could make the stars rain, the Northern lights appear in their hands, and the heavens glimmer more brightly than anyone could imagine. Finally, in the Southernmost province of Illumnae, was Nix, the land of snow. The Nixen Shifters held the ability to manipulate snow, ice and sleet.
Moros was split into four provinces: Aquata, Umbra, Mindrella, and Nocta. The Aquata Province, that which lays most North, is the land of dark deep water. No one knows the full extent of the Aquatans' powers, but we do know that they are dangerous. To the East of Aquata lay the Province of Umbra, land of shadows. Umbrians could manipulate shadow into any shape or form they wish, and unlike normal shadows, the Umbrian shadows have the ability to cause physical damage. South of Umbra lay Mindrella, the Province of empaths and telekinesis. Finally, to the south of Mindrella, lay the Province of Nocta. Noctian Shifters can control the night, sky, and even dreams with a simple snap of their fingers.
Each Shifter's power is shown by the color of their eyes:
Electians: Electric Pink
Alburnians: Vivid Red
Solisians: Gold
Lusaetrians: Blazing Orange
Nixens: White
Aquatans: Luminous Blue
Umbrians: Black
Mindrellians: Vibrant Green
Noctians: Rich Purple
In addition to the eye color for their territory, the royalty of each province received a special mark when they were born:
Electian Royalty: Ombre Pink Hair
Alburnian Royalty: Pointed Ears
Solisian Royalty: Golden Streaked Hair
Lusaetrian Royalty: Ability to Glow
Nixen Royalty: White Hair
Aquatan Royalty: Blue Lips
Umbrian Royalty: Swirling Shadows
Mindrellian Royalty: Tattoos of Green
Noctian Royalty: Fangs
When the line of succession ends for the royalty serving, or the royals are deemed unworthy, the mark may choose a different heir, that of a common Shifter to be the next ruler. This allows for a peaceful shift of succession throughout the land.
No one knows what lays beyond Heimweh, only that there is land. We call it Oblivia. Some think it's where our predecessors live, watching us still, keeping the light separated from the dark and the evils of this world at bay. Some think it is a land with no light and darkness at all, while others think it is a land untouched by the war, where light and dark still live at peace with one another. No one from Illumnae has ever ventured to Oblivia for fear of what may lie there, and no one from Moros has ever ventured and returned.
Hey guys, it's Nicole! I know this chapter wasn't super entertaining but I promise from now on it'll be full speed ahead now that we've gotten the world building out of the way. From chapter 3 onwards will be full steam ahead so if you aren't into that... I don't rlly know how you've survived this long on wattpad lol. Anyways, let me know if theres any typos or just anything that you guys want in the book! I will try to update as often as I can but my schedule is pretty busy so I don't have particular days planned. K, peace!
- Nicole Winters

FantasyLong ago, In the Kingdom of Heimweh, I am told there was peace. I am told that we once lived in a time where the sky not only held the sun, but the stars as well, with an ability to shift light and dark as it felt. I am told that the light shone eve...