Chapter 30

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"You can't tell anyone," I glare at Manisha as we sit on the ouch in my room sipping hot cocoa.

"Please," she rolls her eyes. "Who am I gonna tell?" she laughs. "I can't say I'm shocked though."

"What do you mean?" I chuckle.

"You and Cato," she pauses. "You're like that old book our ancestors used to read," she thinks. "Romeo and Juliet!"

"Romeo and Juliet die at the end of that book."

"Both of them?" her eyes widen in shock.

"Both of them."

"Damn," she sits back. "I'm bad with metaphors," Manisha shrugs. "But anyways, tell me more about Cato."

"There's nothing else to tell," I chuckle, taking a sip of my hot chocolate.

"Like hell there's not!"

"Manisha!" I shove her.

"Adhira!" she responds back. "We're both adults here. We're both horny people, clearly," she pauses quirking an eyebrow up at me.

"If you're so horny, why don't you go and sleep with someone!"

"Adhira, please," she rolls her eyebrows. "I want to feel good," Manisha emphasizes. "I'll go and sleep with someone when I want to be disappointed in men's location skills and understanding of female anatomy."

I try not to snort out my hot chocolate as the two of us laugh at that statement until we hear a knock. Manisha flicks her hand towards the door, allowing it to open, as I swallow the remaining hot chocolate in my mouth.

"It is 11 o'clock at night ladies," Cato says as he enters my room, making his way towards the couch. "Your laughter can be heard down the hall."

"Is that all you could hear?" Manisha asks smugly, earning a smack on her arm from me.

"Why?" Cato quirks an eyebrow in curiosity, settling into the hanging chair. "Is the rest of this conversation something that would interest me?"

"I would gather to say that," Manisha responds before I can get a word out. "Wouldn't you agree Adhi?"


"Oh come on," she chuckles. "You know it's not nice to talk about someone behind their back."

"Ah," Cato nods. "So you were talking about me?" he smirks. "Then I do believe this conversation would interest me."

"Because you're so arrogant?" I snark, taking a sip of my drink.

"No, Princess," he growls. "Because I love hearing you say my name."

"Did the room just grow hotter to you?" Manisha mumbles rhetorically, making a scene of fanning herself.

"Forgive me, Manisha," Cato smiles, his eyes remaining locked on mine. "I do believe I forgot you were here."

"Don't be sorry for that!" she laughs. "Be sorry that you didn't bring popcorn with you, this is getting good."


"Manisha," Cato butts in. "Perhaps you should go home for the night," he keeps eye contact with me. "I have a feeling Adhira and I will be very busy."

Manisha makes a sound of exasperation as she pushes herself up from the sofa and slowly makes her way towards my door. "So I really can't watch, huh?" she says, swiveling away from the door back towards us. "Manisha!" I shout, breaking eye contact with Cato as I hear his deep chuckle. "Yeah yeah, I know," she rolls her eyes, opening the door once again.

"No one here to save you now, Princess."


I mean, let's be honest here: Manisha said what we were all thinking. But yeah, next chapter is prolly gonna be if you're not into that... why are you on wattpad? Anyways, hope y'all enjoy. Let me know if there's anything in particular you want to see in this story, I'm always open for suggestions. Love ya!

 - Nicole Winters

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