I try to focus on the railing as I make my way down the glass steps. Ignoring the eyes pouring over me, I walk as gracefully as possible down the palace steps, my heels clicking with each step. Breathing deeply, I near the bottom, the feeling of the dagger strapped to my thigh my only source of comfort. After what feels like an eternity, I reach the bottom, Seraphina waiting for me.
"I told you," she whispers to me as she links our hands and we begin walking "Doesn't matter what you put me in, all eyes are on you." Looking ahead, trying to spot him, I respond, "I wanted to be inconspicuous." Sera laughs, nudging me gently with her elbow, "We're way past that, babe." I allow myself a smirk as we make our way to the Lux's table.
"King Blaze," I say as Sera and I break apart to curtsy before turning towards his fiance. "Lady Dawn," I smile, curtsying once again. "Come now, we'll have none of that," Blaze laughs, scooping me into a big bear hug, before turning towards Sera to do the same. Blaze never was one for formalities. "My Love," he says, turning towards Dawn, who is fiddling with her yellow ball gown, clearly nervous with the attention she is soon to inherit. "Princess Adhira Dagon of Electa and Princess Seraphina Abednago of Alburnia," he gestures, taking his fiance's hand in an attempt to calm her. "You're majesties," she says quietly, making her way to curtsy before I motion to stop her. "Please," I touch her arm, bringing her back up gently before she can finish her bow. "We are in your kingdom remember," I smile, earning a quiet laugh from her. "It is a pity your father could not come," King Blaze says, snapping my attention back to him. "Yes, he sends his regards, but unfortunately he is away on business. My twin however should be here momentarily." I regard, hoping he will not press me on the issue of my fathers absence. "Raiden? Oh wonderful! It seems like forever since I have seen the boy," he chuckles, his golden eyes sparkling with the memory before registering my previous statement. "You say your father is away on business?" I nod my head, responding, "yes, our island settlements have been experiencing some... issues." Registration flashes over his eyes.
"Your father does not approve of me inviting the Provinces of Moros."
"King Blaze...,"
"It's alright, I understand the threat..., but I refuse to segregate an entire half of a nation. Of our nation."
"Of course King Blaze," I bow, backing away to leave.
"Adhira," he calls, stopping me before I even get a few feet away. "Be careful," he smiles warmly, with concern in his eyes. I have never seen that concern in my father's eyes. "Whatever you're planning on doing," he mumbles so quietly I have to strain to hear him. "Be careful."
Sera links her arm with mine once again and we elegantly walk away, the only sound between us being the clicking of our heels, until suddenly, I spot him. Sera seems to spot him at the same time because she immediately leans over and whispers good luck to me before walking off towards her family. I let my arm fall to the side, feeling cold with the lack of Sera attached to it, clench my fist, sensing the electricity running through my veins, and walk towards the table where I am to be seated. Seated across from my mortal enemy. Shoulders back, head up, just as my mother taught me, I near the table, quietly sitting down as I avoid eye contact with the man sitting across from me. Looking at the tablecloth, I rub my thighs together, assuring my dagger is still there. A shuffling to my right snaps my attention as I look to see another man, one I wasn't expecting to see here at all. "Blake," I mumble, snagging his attention before I realize what I just said. "First name terms already?" he laughs, rattling the table that I am now focused on even more intensely. "Prince Blake Damaris," I correct myself, keeping my head down. "Forgive me, I wasn't expecting to see you here." Suddenly, before I can realize what is happening, there is a hand on my chin, lifting my head to meet the purple embers of Prince Blake once again. "You don't strike me as meek," he changes the subject, his hand still on my chin as he flashes his fangs at me. Focusing on his hand, I send a zap of electricity up towards my chin, shocking him enough that he retreats. "And you don't strike me as the type of idiot who would touch a woman without her consent, but hey, life's full of surprises," I smirk earning, a snort from my left. "I like her," Queen Shyama says as I turn towards her. "Significantly more than you two," she finishes and I can't stop the smile that comes to my face from it. "Good news then," he says, forcing me to finally make eye contact with him. "She feels the same way about you, Queen," Prince Cato smirks, looking me up and down before meeting my eyes once again with those emerald eyes. "Do not read my mind, Prince Cato," I enunciate. "I assure you, I can electrocute you even in there." To my dismay, he laughs, thinking this all a game. My magic flares to life, begging for me to end him, while the dagger by my side itches to be used. Sparks come to life on my fingertips before they are quickly smothered by a hand. Raiden, finally making his way to the table, takes the seat to my left. "The Prince comes to the Princess's aid," Cato laughs. "How poetic." My brother's neon eyes flare as he glares at Cato, responding, "Actually, it's the Prince coming to the Prince's aid, because clearly you needed protection against my sister." Queen Shyama laughs, her shadows flaring, while Prince Cato's eyes darken. "Well," Queen Shyama coughs, causing the boys to break their staring contest. "I have thoroughly exceeded my intake of testosterone for the night," she continues as she stands up, smoothing her black dress. "Adhira," she nods, shocking me with her lack of formality. "Get some fresh air with me?"

FantasíaLong ago, In the Kingdom of Heimweh, I am told there was peace. I am told that we once lived in a time where the sky not only held the sun, but the stars as well, with an ability to shift light and dark as it felt. I am told that the light shone eve...