Chapter 10

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I have to hold onto the wall in order to stop the dizziness. Once the static fades, I recognize that I am in my room, Shyama sitting in the hanging chair near the hearth.

"You've been in here before?" I ask her, remembering what she said earlier.

"Before it was yours," she responds indifferently.

"Shyama... "

"You don't have to talk about it," she stops me. "Cato can be... a man," she laughs.

"Were you two...?" I inquire, making my way towards her.

"Ancestors forbid, no," she laughs in disbelief. "Let's just say his sister is more my cup of tea," she explains. "Although I do appreciate a nice whiskey now and then, if you know what I mean."

"I do," I laugh, my mood lightening slightly by the easy conversation. Sitting down on the couch, I stare at the fire, reminded of Seraphina.

"You're missing your home," Shyama guesses, snapping my attention back to the present.

"Are you all mind readers now?"

"No," she smiles. "You are simply very bad at hiding your emotions."

"Wonderful," I murmur. Noticing my disdain for the subject, Shyama stands up. "Have you been given a tour of the castle yet?" she asks me.

"I have no interest in walking through ancient rooms all afternoon," I shrug only to be met with her laugh.

"Well first off, we won't be walking," smirks. "And secondly, I won't be bringing you into all of the boring rooms, I'm not Cato. Just the ones you would actually enjoy while you're here so that you don't have to stay in your room all day. "

"I thought we were leaving for Oblivia soon anyhow."

"Not for quite some time, I'm afraid," Shyama tells me, sounding exhausted. "Cato must make provisions in order to assure his Province's safety before leaving. His sister is often gone, leaving him to rule solely. The only way he would feel fully safe leaving his kingdom to the guards alone would be if The Creon were destroyed first."

"So we have to hunt down a cannibalistic cult, go to a land where no one has ever returned, and reunite Illmnae with Moros?"

"Different than your average Tuesday?" Shyama laughs.

"Oh, one hundred percent. Average Friday however... " I jest. Smirking in approval, she asks again, reaching out her hand to me "tour then?"

"Since there's nothing better to do," I shrug, taking her hand.

Once the static fades, I notice the first room we enter is a library, packed miles high with books. The room is bigger than any I've ever seen, at least twenty levels high with a balcony at each. People rustle throughout the great hall as if they were at school. "They're known as Savants," Shyama answers my unasked question. "They're a distinguished level of Mindrellians." I look at her confused before she continues explaining. "Before humans became Shifters, we only used about 10% of our brain. Since then, Shifters have unlocked about 20%, allowing us to gain our powers, meaning most of us use around 30% of our brain. Mindrellians, as they have a special connection with the mind, use around 75% of their brain, allowing them the ability of telekinesis and empathology. The Savants," she gestures to the people running about. "Have unlocked 100% of their brain, or close to it at least. Some of them are still in the midst of studying to become full fledged Savants," Shyama finishes. "What does that mean for their power then?" I ask. "They can read about half a million words per minute and they never forget anything."

"So don't get on their bad side," I joke.

"Exactly," she nods, continuing. "And then of course, in addition to normal Mindrellian powers, Savants have the ability to see the past and all possible outcomes of the future."

"Wow," I shake my head in disbelief.

"Trust me, I know," she smirks, holding out her hand for me to take it again.

"Here," Shyama begins as my vision settles again, noticing that we are studying up on a balcony looking down at a type of gymnasium. "We have the training room. In the corner over there," she points to the far end of the room towards a jungle gym of sorts. "That is the obstacle course. One of the Savants changes it daily to keep everyone on their toes. Back there, she points to a door at the far end of the balcony. "That's the psych room where they are tested mentally, also by Savants. The rest of the space down below is sparring room."

"How do you know the palace so well?" I ask her, amazed by her knowledge.

"The Atrixius' took me in after I lost my parents."

"I didn't know," I remorse.

"No one did," she responds, her voice steady as she looks down at the trainees. "I was here for two years, learning how to rule my country while not actually being there to protect it. We didn't want anyone to know for fear of invasion." Before I can respond, Shyama grabs my arm and mist to a new room.

"Here's the home theatre," she says, gesturing towards the huge screen in front and velvet seats. "Pretty self explanatory," she says, grabbing me again moments later.

"This is the kitchen," she explains as we land in a divinely smelling room full of chefs. "Technically," she whispers to me. "We aren't supposed to be in here, but I always used to sneak in to grab a midnight snack. They're hardly ever here at that time." Turning me around to point at the pantry door, she says "Luckily for you, there's a passageway underneath your bathroom vanity that leads out in there." Shyama grabs my hand once again and we're gone.

"This," she exclaims as we land in an underground chamber of sorts. "Is by far my favorite room in all the castle," she squeals as I look around at the cave glowing blue with pool water. "Hot springs," she explains, running up towards the edge, crouching down and running her fingers through it.

"I can see why it's your favorite," I laugh, taking in the room.

"Yeah," she smiles, before standing up and walking towards me again. I should probably get you back to your room now, it's almost five."

"What happens at six?" I ask, alarmed at how much time has passed.

"I have a feeling Cato will be in your room, waiting to ask you to dinner momentarily," she shrugs.

"Let him wait," I reply indifferently.

"We can," she hesitates. "But then he probably will think you ran away again, and you remember the commotion that caused last time."

"Let's go," I respond, reaching for her. She laughs, reaching into her black jean pockets to pull out a piece of paper. "This," she says, handing it to me. "Has instructions on how to get to everywhere I showed you today from your room. I made it when I was staying here." Opening it up, I laugh. "It's in crayon." Smiling, she nods, reaching for my hand.

Just as Shyama predicted, Cato is standing in my room as we return.


I feel the need to clarify this: Shyama is bi, but she prefers girls AND she will not have any relationship with Najiba. As stated previously, Najiba is only 16 and the rest of the main characters are early twenties, so... we're gonna keep it legal. She used Najiba as an example to show she prefers girls NOT to insinuate romantic feelings towards her. Cool? Awesome! Other than that, how's everyone doing?

 - Nicole Winters

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