Standing in the hallway, I study the door. The intricate patterns of the vines and leaves, the way the green seems to glow, as if the power of this place runs through even the doors. Reaching out to touch the handle, I stop myself, looking down towards the hallway where Cato disappeared to, then back towards the way we came from the dungeon. "I have to get out of here," I turn, running towards the way Cato left. Reaching the end of the hallway, I turn left, running as fast and noiseless as I can. I slow down when I come to a corner, peeking my head around to see two guards standing post outside of a closed doorway. Looking at the hallway that stretches on ahead of me and the extension on my left, I know I have to distract them if there is any hope of me slipping by. Taking a deep breath, I hold my hand to the wall, focusing on the currents of electricity running through it. Suddenly to the left of the guards, one of the lamps on the wall electrifies and shatters. The guards look at each other for a moment before one of them begins walking towards it to inspect. The other, turns his back just enough for me to silently slip past the hallway opening, continuing down my path. Coming closer to the end of the hallway, I start to see more guards along with a big heavy oak door. Clearly this is the exit... and clearly it is off limits to me. Looking around at all of the walls lining the door, I try to decide which would be my best best. My decision is made for me when I hear a guard walking towards me and I immediately grab the handle closest to me and push. The room is dark, empty I'm prosuming, but I remain quiet as I sneak towards the window. It takes all my strength to push it open enough for me to shimmy out onto the ground.
Outside, the skies are beginning to darken further, and rain is pouring. It never rains in Illumnae. The grass, at my feet, the darkness overhead, the rain drenching me from head to toe, I am oddly at peace. Forcing my legs to move, I remind myself I am supposed to be running away. I spot an outline of trees in the distance. Taking off, I run as fast as I can. The rain hitting me in the face, making the green oversized shirt stick to my body and the ground beneath my toes muddy. But I still run. Run as fast as I can towards the trees. Hearing shouts behind me, I know I have been spotted, but I don't let it low me down. I am far enough away that they wouldn't be able to control my mind anyhow. I run and run and run, until finally, I am in the forest. It is only then when I turn, looking at the guards, running towards me, the Prince no doubt not far behind. Looking up at the sky and the rain, I close my eyes, open my hands, and focus. I call on every electric pulse in my body, and when I open my eyes, I know they must be glowing. Loud thunder causes the guards to slow for just a moment before, continuing towards me across the field. So I breathe and I strike. The first shot of lighting comes down a foot or so to the left of a guard running towards me. Causing him to stop all together. The next hits right in front of a line of guards, causing them all to fall backwards with the force of electricity. The next one I bring down, is towards me. Striking the big tree to my left, the wood shutters and creaks, before it begins falling towards me. Turning on my shoulder, I run further into the woods, the tree, I know, blocking the entrance from which I came.
I run. Run until my lungs are burning. Run until the voices of the guards are drowned out by the sounds of right and thunder. I run, barefoot through the sticks and mud, knowing quite well that my feet will be bruised and bloody for days. I run and run, until the rain stops and the forest ends and a village comes into view. Looking around at the people, I realize how I must look, soaked to the bone with nothing but a green t-shirt and my bloodied feet. Before anyone notices me, I grab my hair and tuck it into my shirt, hoping that it will cover my pink ends as I begin walking through the village. Surprisingly, not many people notice me, which only makes me more confused as I make my way towards a warming hut. Stepping inside, I am immediately greeted by a loud song and the smell of beer. Keeping my head down I make my way towards the fire, hoping to dry myself off. As I sit down, I listen to the words, and quickly become intoxicated by the shanty.

FantastikLong ago, In the Kingdom of Heimweh, I am told there was peace. I am told that we once lived in a time where the sky not only held the sun, but the stars as well, with an ability to shift light and dark as it felt. I am told that the light shone eve...