"Hello, Prince," I say, monotoned.
"Hello, Adhira," he responds, equally straight, the tension between us deafening.
"Well," Shyama coughs, looking between the two of us. "I have to be... anywhere but here," she finishes, backing away from us. "Bye, Adhi," she waves before vanishing into shadows.
"Can I help you with something, Prince?" I ask, turning away from him, towards the couch. "I figured you'd be hungry," I hear the strain in his voice as I take off my coat and throw it onto the black cushions. "Mildly," I respond indifferently.
"Should we go?" I cut him off, which I am beginning to consider my favorite pastime, turning towards him.
"Sure," he responds, gesturing towards my door.
We walk in silence through the hallways, the comfort earlier replaced by tension, until we reach a dining hall. Walking in, he settles at the head of table, next to his sister, gesturing for me to take the empty chair to his left. Begrudgingly, I take it, not wanting to make a scene in front of Najiba. Soon after we sit, food is brought to us: some sort of white rice dish with a chicken teriyaki topping. We eat in silence, not that I mind it with the delicious food in front of me. Eventually, I look up, making eye contact with Najiba, who I feel has been looking at me the entire time. Her curls are wet from a shower and her dark chained outfit from earlier is replaced by black sweatpants and a matching sweatshirt, making her look even younger.
"You're not wearing green?" I ask before I can stop myself.
"I don't believe in color conformities," she shrugs, taking a bite of her dish.
"You'd get along with my friend," I smirk, remembering Seraphina.
"I'm sure," she rolls her eyes, looking over towards her brother. "Why is she here, exactly?"
"I already explained this to you, JeeBee," he sighs, resting his head in his hand.
"You did," she confirms. "And I seem to recall her sounding entirely disposable... so why haven't you disposed of her?"
"Najiba!" He snaps.
"Look at her!" she responds with equal force. "She's as thin as a pencil! She wouldn't last a day in Oblivia. Forgive me, but I don't exactly feel safe entrusting our parent's lives to some Electian stick."
"That's enough," he growls, his eyes glowing with power. Najiba meets his eyes, with equal force. I watch, back and forth, as the battle of telepathy commences. Swallowing, I stand up, making for the door. "Adhira," I hear Cato call behind me as I reach the handle. "I'm tired," I respond, keeping my back to him as I exit the room.
I sigh as I shut the door to my room, finally alone. Walking over towards my bed, I find a silk green nightgown and robe. Slipping it on and putting my hair up in a bun, I flop on the black couch, feeling much better with some peace and quiet and no bra. "I don't suppose I could get a glass of wine," I ask, to no one in particular. Moments later, a clink sounds behind me. Turning, I see the silver platter on my bedside table with three glasses on it, one red, one pink, and one white. Leaping off the couch, I walk to the nightstand, picking up the white one. The other two immediately vanish. "I think I like you," I say to the empty silver tray before making my way back towards the couch again. I sit there for a long time, sipping my wine and thinking. It's only been two days and yet so much has happened. I was kidnapped, chained up, nearly choked to death in my own blood, and told of a rescue mission I will most likely never return from.
I don't know how long I stare at the fireplace, lost deep in thought. I remember a knock on my door at some point, which I ignored. Snapping my attention back to the present, I notice it is pitch black outside. Walking towards my bedside, I place my empty wine glass on the tray. It disappears immediately. Pushing back the silk covers, I climb into bed and try to fall asleep. My mind is wide awake. I toss and I turn but no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to dream. Reluctantly, after what felt like an hour of trying, I get out of bed and head to the bathroom, but stop when I see my jacket on the couch with a white piece of paper sticking out of it. I take the sheet out and unfold it looking at the list of directions Shyama gave me. I'm out the door before I can think of where I'm going.

FantasyLong ago, In the Kingdom of Heimweh, I am told there was peace. I am told that we once lived in a time where the sky not only held the sun, but the stars as well, with an ability to shift light and dark as it felt. I am told that the light shone eve...