I am blinded with pain. My head hurts like the devil himself. I feel as though I simultaneously have a crushing weight on my skull and my stomach is experiencing the worst period cramp known to man. I try to open my eyes and immediately regret my decision as the blaring lights make my head pain worsen. Groaning, I shut them.
"Good morning, Pikachu," I hear him say, the arrogant humor in his voice worsening my head pain. "Enjoy your field trip?"
"Yes actually, until mommy showed up and took me home. She ruined the whole thing."
"Good to know your personality is still intact," he laughed, before turning serious. "How are you feeling?" I squint an eye open, meeting his concerned gaze staring down at me in my bed before shutting it again. "Just peachy," I remark sarcastically.
"You're an idiot."
"Excuse me?" I squawk, sitting up. Seeing stars, I try to take deep breaths in hopes to ease the dizziness.
"You. Are. An. Idiot."
"Yes, I'm such an idiot for trying to regain my freedom," I snap, rolling my eyes.
"No. You're an idiot for challenging the Creon."
Memories flood back to me. The large man, the eyes, the blood... Manisha.
"They had Manisha," I say, meeting his eyes again, all traces of humor gone. "They would have...." My stomach turned even more.
"What, Adhi?" he asks, anger in his eyes, as he sits on the foot of my bed, facing me. "Raped her?" he yells. I feel sick. "She would be so lucky. Do you know who the Creon are?" I am silent, confused and angry. "The Creon are a blood cult, Princess. They wouldn't have raped your friend, they would have split her open and fed on her while she could still breath and feel everything." My vision blurs. I can't think about it, I can't....
"Adhi!" he yells, grabbing my shoulders, forcing my eye contact to focus on him. "The Creon is a cannibal cult with the ability to manipulate the blood within your veins and you just made yourself their biggest target," he roars at me. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't—
"Well if you had just let me be rather than kidnap me, we wouldn't have this problem, now would we?" I snap, shoving myself up off the bed and immediately losing my balance as my vision fills with static. Cato catches me before I can even start falling. Angrily, I push him away with all my might but his arms are a solid band around my waist as I punch at his chest. "Don't touch me," I hiss trying again. "Why do you have to be so stubborn, Adhi," he cooes, trying to calm me down. "Don't call me that!" I screech, becoming desperate as I try to claw my way out of his arms. My shoulder burns from the attempt and my head screams but I won't let up. "Enough!" he growls, pushing me against the wall with blunt force, one hand flat against my stomach and the other at my shoulders. I feel my heartbeat quicken as his head lowers to my ear. Must be the pain.
"You might not like me," he whispers against my ear and it takes everything in me to not shudder from it. "But you want me," he finishes. I laugh, even as my betraying back arches under him. "I would sooner screw Darcel than you," I spit, the words coming out breathier than I wanted them to. He growls in my ear, pressing me closer to the wall and forcing a leg between mine so that he is the only thing holding me up. "Careful," he purrs, his warm breath causing goosebumps. "My patience only goes so far. If you tease me," he pauses, biting my ear, ringing a gasp from me. "I will have you begging for me. I will have you aching so much that you forget your own name. I will have you on your knees and against the wall and screaming for me."
He pushes away from me, walking towards the door, and I have to catch myself on the wall in order to stop my knees from buckling. A breath I didn't know I was holding releases and I suddenly feel cold. Taking a moment to recompose myself, I call after him just as he reaches for the door knob. "I am a Princess. We do NOT beg." Turning around, he glares at me with something between anger and lust in his eyes. "We'll see about that."
Hehe, Pikachu. Hi guys, hey. How bout that blood cult huh? I'm totally kidding, I know y'all just skipped way past that and focused on the steam. Were you blushing, I was blushing. I actually wrote this in class and I kept becoming paranoid that someone would see. Me blushing wasn't helping that either I guess but the mask covered up most of it I'm assuming. Let me know your thoughts!
- Nicole Winters

FantasyLong ago, In the Kingdom of Heimweh, I am told there was peace. I am told that we once lived in a time where the sky not only held the sun, but the stars as well, with an ability to shift light and dark as it felt. I am told that the light shone eve...