Darkness. I went my entire life without seeing it in exception for when I would close my eyes, even then, living in a world where my dreams were made of light. Now, all I see is darkness. So why do I find it comforting?
"Wakey wakey, Princess," a familiar voice calls, causing me to snap my eyes open, and suddenly, all of the comfort I felt in the darkness moments ago vanishes as I meet Prince Cato's eyes. Ignoring him, I take in my surroundings. I sit on the floor of a dark, cold room, my arms shackled to the floor. A barred window lies to my left, the sky outside stormy and grey. The skies in Ilumnae are never grey. Meeting the Prince's eyes once again, I take a deep breath before mustering up the strength to snarl "just kill me and be done with it, Prince."
"Kill you? I saved your life."
"You stabbed me in the shoulder."
"Close enough," he laughs, pushing up off the floor where he was crouching in front of me. I pull at my shackles, wanting to strangle him but only pulling at my injured shoulder in the process. Looking over to my shoulder, I realize I am no longer wearing my pink gown. In place, an oversized green shirt hangs off of my body, falling to my mid thigh. "You look good in green," Cato smirks down at me. "But you would look even better in nothing." Snarling, I pull at my bindings again, grunting as another twinge runs through my shoulder. "Relax," he chuckles, crouching down to my eye level again, analyzing me. "Shyama changed your clothes. Sewed you up too, although I have no doubt her work has been undone by your squirming."
"Why am I here, Cato?" I glare. "What do you want."
"Why did you try to kill me," he ignores. He knows why. He wants me to say it. Wants me to admit that he is powerful, strong... dangerous. To know that I am utterly at his mercy. And I am. I hate it. I hate him.
" Screw you," I spit.
"That a promise, Princess?"
I can feel it. A storm within me rising. My powers itching to be used. Without thinking, I send electricity up around my wrist, short circuiting the shackles, and roll, catching Cato off guard as I sprint past him towards the door. I make it out the door and in the hallway before my back slams into the wall, Cato's hand around my neck and his face mere inches from mine. "That wasn't very smart, Adhira," he barks, the sound of my name on his lips without my title making my blood boil. "You," he breaths in, closing his eyes before opening them again, the green of his irises seemingly glowing. "Have nowhere to go. No way to return to your Province, or even your Realm," he finishes. "You're mine now, Princess," he laughs.
I push him off of me, and surprisingly he lets me go, putting an arms length between us. "I am a Princess of light, a royal in my own right and the heir to the throne of Electa. I do not belong to you," I growl. I look him in the eyes, expecting a smirk or a snarky response but instead am met with a gaze of wonder, like he is seeing me for the first time. Then, as soon as it appears, it's gone, and he returns to his natural prick personality. "Regardless," he begins, turning from me to walk down the hallway, expecting me to follow. And I do, not because he wants me to, but because, right now, it's him or the cell, and at least the former has answers. "You are here until further notice, Adhira," he states, glancing over his shoulder to me before looking back ahead. "That is," he pauses, and even though he's facing forward I can sense the entitled smirk growing on his face. "Unless you wish to attempt crossing Mindrella all by yourself. You have no money, no transportation, not even the ability to block the telekinetic powers of my people, so I dare say it would be an impressive feat. Not to mention it would take at least a month on foot, seeing that we are the biggest of all the Provinces," he finishes as we begin climbing a set of stairs.
"Sounds like you're overcompensating for something else, your highness."
"Sounds like you wish to find out, Princess."
"In your dreams," my blood boils.
"Add it to the list, I suppose."
We reach the top of the stairs and continue walking down another hallway, this one warmly lit, in silence. I know when I'm beat. Right now, whether I like it or not, I'm stuck here. The only thing I can do is wait until he tells me what he wants. "I need your help," is his only answer and I scoff.
"Where I come from, people don't usually do favors for their kidnappers."
"Mmm, aren't you so glad you left?"
"You will be," he halts, coming to a door of deep brown with green vines running up the front of it. "This is your room," he states as I snap my head towards him.
"I'm your prisoner, remember?"
"You're my guest."
"You locked me up in your dungeon."
"Consider it your inauguration," he smiles devilishly, looking me up and down before walking towards me, trapping my back against the door, causing my breath to hitch. "Unless of course, you wish to be tied up, in which case I would be more than happy to help." My eyes glow with rage and I can see he notices because after a moment he backs away, the smile on his face pure male ego.
"Go to hell," I snicker, trying to catch my breath. Ignoring me, he laughs, "I have a feeling you're going to put me through it all on your own, Princess." And with that he walks away.
Hi, readers! Hehe, she's got her work cut out for her. How's everyone doing so far? Do we like Cato or are we combusting from his heat? I don't really have anything else to say so... yeah. Keep reading please!
- Nicole Winters

FantasyLong ago, In the Kingdom of Heimweh, I am told there was peace. I am told that we once lived in a time where the sky not only held the sun, but the stars as well, with an ability to shift light and dark as it felt. I am told that the light shone eve...