CH 1

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"Good afternoon!"
You and your classmates greeted the tired teacher. Your two week break was just around the corner and that's all that was being talked about.
Finals were stressing you out and you had plans to get rid of the stress soon. Going out with your friends sounded like a lot of fun to lose thought of this hellhole.
"Hello Y/N!"
Yuri greeted, sitting next to you. Lucky enough, you and her had a class together. You smiled at her, greeting her back.
"Hey Yuri"
"Are you excited for break? I assume you have a boyfriend/girlfriend by now right? You both can have lots of fun during break if you know what I mean."
She picked at your side with her elbow teasing you. You blushed in embarrassment at her words and shoved her, earning a whine.
"Stop saying such things Yuri. I don't have anyone at the moment and I don't plan on it. Relationships nowadays are toxic and I don't want to invest myself in that."
She looked at you like if she wasn't believing a single word coming out of your mouth and you just rolled your eyes at her, facing your attention to the teacher who was ready to put everyone in their place at any moment.
"Class settle down. As you may know, this is your last class of today. Starting tomorrow is your two week break. You will start your math final in two minutes. Once you all are finished you may hang out until you are dismissed. Got it? Okay. Clear off your desks please"
These words put everyone in excitement except the mentions of the final. No one likes math, right?
The teacher passed through each table handing out a paper that had all the questions.
You had studied for two days so you had no worry, besides Yuri who was already sweating in panic.
"You didn't study didn't you?"
You asked Yuri and she nodded in response. You shook your head in disappointment. Security during tests were harsh so cheating wasn't an option.
"You may begin. No talking"
The class went into pitch silence. All eyes were on the sheet of paper. The strong wind outside was visibly heard through the big windows on the side of the classroom.
The test wasn't so bad. For you at least.
You looked over to Yuri who was on the verge of having a mental breakdown and you couldn't help but giggle. The teacher shot you a death stare and you quickly looked back down at your paper.
After what had seemed like an eternity, everyone had finished.
"Great job everyone. Thank you for your participation. You are now free to roam around and hang out. If you have any questions I'll be at my desk"
With that everyone cheered and got up from their seats going to their group of friends. You and Yuri sat on two desks that were right next to the windows that looked out to the front of the school and the pretty city view.
You liked this class for this reason. From here you were able to enjoy the view your other classes didn't have.
"Sooooo. Whatcha wanna talk about?"
Yuri asked and you smiled.
"Anything if I'm honest. Tell me Yuri. Do you have someone"
You smirked and she looked at you with disappointment.
She said staring at you and you both broke into laughter. You looked out to look at the city. Going from left to right and you stopped to look at a building that caught your eye.
"Hey Yuri...has that building always been there? It looks unusually huge"
You asked and Yuri looked at the building you were pointing at.
"It looks bigger than the sky tower. I don't remember seeing it there"
You both looked at each other in confusion. You looked back at the building then each other.
The building was very tall. It was black and in a pointy structure.
All of sudden the class felt like it was getting quieter and quieter.
You began to feel uneasy.
"Yuri...I don't feel well?"
You said in a questioning tone rather than stating it because you yourself weren't sure if you were feeling uneasy.
Suddenly, you emerged from your seat, feeling the ground shake a bit.
"Yuri? Do you feel that?"
Your words vanished into air and Yuri looked struck and lost.
And next thing you know, you find yourself standing on top of a what seemed to be a 30 meter tall building with bridges connecting to other buildings.
Complete silence and panic.
"What the fuck?"

"What the fuck?" •••

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End of CH 1

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