CH 2

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"What the fuck?"
Let's see. How did we end up here?
You and Yuri were talking and all of a sudden you get teleported to some building, yet you're clueless as to where you are located.
The air thickened around you and you felt panic rush through your blood, feeling pressure on your chest.
"Calm down. Calm down. Relax"
You told yourself. The first thing your mind went straight to was looking for Yuri. She was no where in sight which worried you. We're you alone? Maybe. Maybe not.
Your hands reached to your pockets in your skirts and you felt relieved to feel your phone on you. Before you could reach to press Yuri's contact, the phone buzzed and there was her name. You didn't hesitate to press the green button.
"Yuri! Oh my god. I'm so glad you called. Where are you?"
Her voice was shaky in response,
"Y/N I'm scared. I'm on top of a building. I tried opening the door to go down but they're locked. There's only bridges connecting to other buildings"
You smiled hearing that only because you knew Yuri was somewhere around.
"Yuri listen to me. I'm in the same situation as you. Before we can even ask questions as to what happened, let's find each other first. What buildings are around you?
There was some silence, stating that she was observing around.
"I honestly don't know these buildings Y/N...but the building in front of me is very tall, it's blue tinted, it looks rectangular? On the roof there's a huge stone block. That's all I can say."
You examined around you to look for a familiar building. You looked to the left, right, front, behind...and bingo.
"Yuri I see the building. Does it have a board that says Eijiro Apartments?"
She gasped in happiness, sounding relieved.
"Yes, yes it does. That's the building in front of me"
"Okay good. Listen to me Yuri. I'm assuming there's a bridge connecting to it right? I want you to go there and wait for me. The building is at least a two minute walk from where I am."
She didn't say anything and you thought that the connection was failing on you, but then you heard a loud scream. You heard it from the phone, but what freaked you out was the fact that the scream also came from the direction of the building where Yuri was.
"Yuri? Yuri was that you? Hey answer me! Yuri"
It certainly couldn't have been her right? No it couldn't have been. The scream sounded more low pitched. Like if someone else screamed.
"Y/N. There's a w-woman. There's a woman on the building I was going to. Some person in a white mask is approaching her with a pickaxe. Are they going to kill her? Am I next? Fuck fuck fuck I'm so scared"
Your eyes widened at her words. A white mask? No one in the class had a white mask. Was there more random people that got here too? You heard another scream followed by a cry for help. You panicked and looked around you.
Lucky enough for you, there was a backpack laying on the floor. You rushed to it and quickly looked through it. There was a gun in there.
"Yuri listen to me. Don't go over there. I'll get to you right now. Stay where you are okay? Hide."
You didn't end the call just to stay in touch with her just incase the masked person got to her. You got the backpack and threw it on.
Did you even know how to use a gun? You weren't experienced in this stuff. Back at home you had a father who was a police officer. He had shown you some tricks and such.
You stepped forward to the bridge and stopped.
Looking down, you saw the streets down very very low...and dead corpses.
"Shit. What the hell? Did they jump from up here? Did they fall?"
A strong wind pushed you a bit and you stumbled. Being afraid of bights was normal, but seeing the dead corpses down there was more scary.
Yuri needed you and that's all that mattered. You took some deep breaths...and you ran.
You shut your eyes and ran to the other side and made it.
"I did it. I didn't fall"
You smiled in relief. If that was a success then getting across the other bridges would be a piece of cake. There was two more bridges to cross to get to where Yuri was.
Crossing the bridge to the right was another success but now you were able to see the masked person and the woman more clearly.
The woman was on the edge of the building.
Oh no.
"Fine I'll jump! I'll commit suicide! Please don't kill me. I'll do it!"
The woman screamed. Those were her last words before she carelessly threw herself off.
You were in shock. You couldn't move after seeing that. What did the woman mean by that?
You were already more desperate to know.
Snap out of it.
Go get Yuri.
She's gonna die.
Crossing the final bridge, you met eyes with a panicked Yuri. As her eyes met yours, she quickly got up and ran to you, throwing herself into your arms
"Yuri no wait-"
It was too late and the masked person saw the both of you and began charging at you both...and very fast.
"Run! Hurry go back that way!"
You both ran back to the direction of the building where you were. Looking back you saw the person still chasing you both and they were fast. They were slim and tall, covered by a track suit.
Hell no wonder.
Getting to the building was tiring and then you remembered you had a literal gun in your hand.
"Yuri stop here"
Stopping, you took a deep breath and turned around to face the person, gun pointed right at their chest and they came at a halt.
"Move one more inch and I'll fucking shoot you. I'm not playing"
you threatened the person and they tilted their head to the side, not looking amused, which pissed you off.
"Aren't you scared? I have a gun. You have a pickaxe. I have more advantage of killing you here right now"
The person took a step forward, making you step back. Out of nowhere the person started shaking, holding their hands to the head.
There was a green electric glow coming from their be exact, the mask.
They stopped and stared right at you.
The adrenaline caused a panic reaction and you pulled the trigger, blowing a bullet right near their heart.
They fell forward, dropping the weapon towards you. You quickly grabbed it and handed it to Yuri.
"Let's unmask him Yuri. Quick"
She listened and you both walked towards the person. Yuri held his arms down to prevent an unexpected attack.
Taking a deep breath, you slowly removed the mask and uncovered the face of a young looking man. They gasped for air and coughed harshly.
"Don't try anything funny or I'll go for your head next"
You threatened and they looked at you with unexpected soft eyes.
"Thank you. Thank you for taking it off. But they already have control of my brain. Once you put on the mask, their commands drill into your brain. Never look into the mask. Never look into it. They're controlling you. They're- fuck!"
The man screamed and he crawled to the edge.
"What are you doing?"
You asked the man and you finally realized he was in the same scenario as the woman he killed.
"Are you...jumping off? Sir? Sir wait!"
Before he could throw himself to death, he looked back one last time.
"This is...the suicide command. I cannot control it. Help. Please. Please help me. Don't...don't look into...the mask"
And so they fell, landing with a huge thump which you could hear the bones break.
You just flinched but you couldn't speak.
"Don't look into the mask? What did that even mean?"
You definitely were more curious as to where you got thrown into and one thing for sure was that this place wasn't normal...
It's some shitty kill to survive situation.
And a mysterious death mask.


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End of CH 2

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