Im back:)

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Hi. Last time I was here was November 2023. I don't even know where to start but I'll start by saying that I missed being on here. I know I said I'd quit Wattpad due to my religious reasons but I'm motivated to write again, BUT I will NOT be writing smut anymore and that decision was made final a long time ago. I will keep intimacy in my stories to a low level. So if you're one of my followers, I'm sorry but my fics will no longer contain sexual content like sex and any sort of thing like that. I hope you understand.

Gimme character ideas to make fanfics with? :) characters must be 18+. I will not do fanfics with minors but that depends if I age them up.

Feels good to be back. Love you guys!

OBEY ME: Sniper Mask x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now