CH 8

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!Following chapter contains smut!
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It had been a few days after the incident at the library.
You guys had been able to find more allies but had agreed to stay separate and inform each other on any masks nearby with phones and radios and whatnot.
You couldn't forget the little moment you both had back there. Being in his arms felt like a safe place.
Not to mention he smelled so good.
Why was your heart always pounding when he stood near you?, it's what you wondered.
Your first impression for him had changed over the past few days.
You were starting to believe that the reasons to your immense heart pounding was the fact that you were catching feelings for such a mask, and hard.
The thought of that made you scream inside.
"Hey y/n. Let's go"
You heard him say as you snapped out of your daydream. You nodded, following after sniper.
You all had been done for the day doing the usual of looking for allies and finding out more about this world you're trapped in.
You didn't find much but you were thankful for the progress you were making.
You all had agreed to eat dinner together. Even if it was just some sandwiches and water.
Better that than starving right?
You all had gone back to the same room you guys were sleeping in. Everytime you went back into that room, the memories of the shower sex you had with sniper came rushing back, and you couldn't help but feel butterflies down there.
Being the hormonal person you were, you started getting aroused. You were sitting on the bed with sniper and you watched as he man spread while removing his necktie. You shut your legs tight together at the sight. He seemed to notice your behavior and you heard him chuckle a bit under his breath.
Yuri was out with another ally in the floor below so you and sniper were alone for the night. You got a bit excited at the thought of being alone with him.
He let out a sigh and stood up standing in front of you. You smiled nervously.
You asked and he just stared you down.
"You know..." he started, staring at your legs, "that school skirt looks ugly on you" he said.
"Hey that's mea-" you said but he interrupted you.
"It would look better on the floor actually"
He finished and your eyes widened, feeling your face grow red and hot. You looked at him, scanning his body and stopped at his pants, where a obvious boner was saying hello.
He saw that you noticed the growing bulge in his pants and he trailed his big hand across your face then down, stopping on your neck, as he wrapped it around the next second.
"I want you"
The words came out of your mouth.
The sexual tension was growing more by each second and you both seemed more desperate.
He grabbed what seemed to be a blindfold and wrapped it around your eyes.
"I'm taking off my mask. Try taking off the blindfold and you'll be in big trouble"
He said in a low voice. You nodded and next second you felt his lips connect with yours aggressively. You gasped but quickly caught on.
The make out turned messy very quick. You already felt wet from just kissing him and you were eager for contact.
Through each hot kiss, each piece of clothing on both of his and your body would come off.
After a minute, you both were completely naked and laying on the bed.
His hands trailed slowly and softly on the side of your waist down to your thigh.
"You're so pretty...fucking slut"
He said as his tongue came in contact with your boob. The sensation of his warm tongue made you whimper. It felt so good but you needed more.
His hands explored your lower body as he kissed and sucked your breasts.
You gasped a little when you felt his hand dangerously close to your pussy.
And then so, he trailed his finger around it, avoiding touching anything inside.
You whimpered, feeling yourself get more horny at his teasing touch.
"Mmm. F-fuck me already"
You begged and he laughed at how pathetic you looked under him.
"Where are your manners princess? Beg for it. And nicely"
He said wrapping his hand around your neck.
You were on the verge of crying from the pain you felt down there due to how horny you were. So horny to the point where you felt yourself dripping.
"Please. Please fuck me"
You begged and you felt two of his fingers go inside and you whimpered at how good it felt.
He then went down and his tongue started playing with your clit, not removing his fingers from inside.
It felt too good.
Your head got fuzzy and your eyes got watery.
He sucked on your clit and then curled his fingers inside making you scream a bit.
You felt a knot in your stomach, knowing you were going to cum.
You began moaning this time, and loud.
One of your hands gripped the sheets tightly and the other was gripping his hair.
Before you can even cum, he stopped and you got mad.
"You can't cum just yet. You'll cum when I say so"
He said.
He grabbed you, flipping you over and putting you on all fours, bringing your arms behind your back and tying them together. Your face was flat on the mattress.
The cold air was hitting you and whined.
That's when you felt his dick touch you.
He slowly rubbed his dick up and down on your pussy and you softly moaned.
You were on the verge of exploding.
"Feeling good princess?"
He asked and you nodded in response, sounding needier than ever.
"Good" he said and then he put his dick inside slowly and you moaned loudly into the mattress, trying not to scream. You almost forgot how big he was.
He fucked you slowly for the first few minutes, letting you get used to his size.
His hand wrapped around your neck, bringing your head up to his chest.
He got close to your ear and whispered, " a good girl and don't be loud okay?"
He said before he slammed himself back inside your pussy and going completely fast and hard.
You bit your mouth shut together.
You wanted to scream.
All that you could do was whimpers of pain and pleasure. But loud ones.
He kept your head on his chest and his other free hand was on your love handle, gripping it hard.
The room was filled with pants, moans, whimpers and slapping.
"Fuck" he moaned, going harder this time.
Your eyes rolled back so hard at the pleasure when you felt him hit your g-spot.
Your pussy felt filled. He was so big and you loved the feeling of it.
He let your head go, slamming it back down to the mattress and his other hand on top of your ass.
You could tell he was close.
The slaps and grunts become more aggressive.
He put his hands of both of your love handles and went deeper and abused your g-spot.
You wanted to cum.
"Don't...don't you cum yet"
He demanded and you curled your toes tightly.
You couldn't keep it in anymore and you moaned louder than the previous times you did. You were mildly screaming too. At that point he didn't care that you did because he was too over pleasured to even care.
"Please let me cum!"
You begged and he thrusted in a few last times before pulling out and feeling his warm cum spill on your back.
You felt your cum release and drip down your pussy. You both were sweaty, panting, and messy.
He smirked watching your cum drip out.
"You look so hot like this"
He said as he untied your hands and you fell flat onto the mattress, with him falling on top of you, laying down. His dick was touching your ass but you didn't care.
You both were too tired to move.
"I enjoyed that,,, a lot"
You said and he did too.
The last thing you felt was him softly rubbing your thighs and giving you soft shoulder kisses before you both completely knocked out cold.
And so that's how you both fell asleep.


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End of CH. 8

Hey guys! Thank you so much for being patient and sorry for making you guys wait for this chapter😭. I hope you understand that I won't always be active so bare with me:)
Anyways hope you enjoyed that smut whores. Ik the chapter isn't long like I intended it to be but it's something right?😙

Anyways ty and till next chapterrr.
(I got whore nee writing this chapter smh. LMAO)

Instagram: basicyadiii
TikTok: godlevisupremacy

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