Quitting Wattpad. Nov 8 2023

855 21 15

Hi everyone. I'll keep this short and simple.

So I wrote this story when I was 15, back in 2019/2020 which makes me feel a little ashamed but it happened and i can't take it back.

I deleted all the current smut I was working on but I will keep this up for you guys. I will not delete my account, but I will not be on Wattpad anymore nor writing fanfictions. I am deleting the app.

I am a daughter of a Christian family and recently began to have many guilt and regret for not following my family's path correctly. My fear and love for God is becoming stronger.

I am focusing on him and trying my best to be a good Christian.

I hope you all understand. It's my religion and I cannot disrespect it any longer. I'm now turning 19 and I've matured and realized things.

Thank you for the nice comments and the support. Have a wonderful winter and happy holidays.

Goodbye! 🤍

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