CH 5

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Following chapter contains
Strong language/manhandling/smut
(Just so you know, I am NOT one of those authors that uses weird and awkward words like "core" "member" literally "WET CAVERN" 💀. I use strong language and actual names of the body. Just a warning so if you feel uncomfortable you may leave. As for the smut scenes I will be using the female gender because I get confused on how to write smut scenes including both genders when both bodies are different. As for everything else, I'll use both. Hope you understand<3)

It had been a few minutes since you were under possession of this masked man. Getting out of his grip was very hard which you admitted. He was heavy too, which sounded odd for a skinny looking man, or perhaps that suit was too big on him.
"Excuse me? What the fuck do you mean 'obey you with my body', I'm not giving you shit"
The anger was easy to feel despite him being masked. He was short tempered which you figured out in a matter of a few minutes.
"Oh is that so? I'll just have to kill you then, if that's what you'd like"
You glared at him and scoffed. You were scared to die but you were also angered that in order to live, you had to offer up your own body and virginity to a stranger who was clearly fucking horny.
How funny.
"And if I listen to you? What do you want my body for? To hurt it? Or just to fill your sexual needs, you shit"
He chuckled.
"You know, you have a really potty mouth for such a pretty face. It looks odd on you and as for you, yes. I just want to fill my sexual desires with your body just as revenge for breaking my mask and being annoying. You should be grateful I'm not killing you for revenge. So will you listen to me?"
You stared off into the ceiling wondering if you should actually give yourself to a stranger.
What were the benefits?
You'd live.
By living, you'd be able to save Yuri and find a way to get out of here.
The cons? You'd die. With a shot to the head. That's it. Sounds pretty scary.
Mr. horny it was then.
"Fine. I accept. But if you break your promise of letting me live, I'll make sure I kill you first"
You said glaring at him
"I never said it was a promise princess"
He said and you shot him a death glare, making him laugh.
"How long?"
You asked.
"How long what? Oh my dick? Around 7 I-"
You gasped.
"No you shit not your dick I could care less. I mean how long will you use me for"
You said looking at him in disgust.
"Depends. I could last a day and get bored by tomorrow but that's not the case right now. For example, I want you right now"
He said whispering the last sentence in your ear.
Your eyes widened at the words. You wanted to say no immediately but your life was at line if you refused.
"Hmph. Whatever. Do as you please"
You told him and you could just FEEL him smirking through that mask.
"Good. Be a good girl and don't try anything funny"
He said, putting a finger to the bottom of his mask, exposing his lips and chin. You felt your heartbeat rise a bit.
His hands explored your soft thighs, trailing every inch with the tips of his cold fingers. This made you shiver a bit and squirm from the contact.
"Gosh you're so hot"
He says slowly sliding off your underwear and you quickly shot your thighs closed when the cold air and his vision came in contact with your pussy.
"Uh uh. Open up"
He said, slowly opening your thighs back up with his hands. You closed your eyes shut in embarrassment and just wished for this to be over.
It wasn't after one minute of him touching your thighs, when you suddenly felt two cold fingers go inside your pussy, and you gasped loudly.
"You're so wet already.."
he says, as he starts pumping his fingers, at a normal pace. From what you could feel, he had his middle and ring finger in, as obvious.
You squirmed and clenched your body, trying your best to not moan, but instead of inserting his fingers in and out, he started flicking his fingers, rubbing your walls intensely and you couldn't help it one more second and moaned loudly, making him get on top of you, with his face over yours, fingers still inside.
"That was so pretty. Do that again"
He said.
"N-no. Just, god you're annoying"
You said squeezing your eyes shut and whimpering uncontrollably as he went harder. You felt your climax getting closer and your moans couldn't stay in anymore. Your legs began shaking and your eyes got teary.
"Shhhh. Stop being loud brat"
He said, and without a warning, he kissed you which shocked you. You had no energy to pull away because of the mess you were in.
His lips were soft. He tasted like gum and cigs. The kiss turned sloppy as he added his tongue.
Why were you kissing back? You didn't know either.
You nearly screamed as you reached your climax, and you felt yourself release on his fingers.
He took his fingers out and pulled away from the kiss and you took a deep breath, exhaling sharply, relaxing yourself from whatever just happened.
Although you hated to admit it, no ones has ever made you feel or cum like that. Not that you ever let a boy touch you, but not even you were able to do what he just did.
"Good girl. You did so well for me"
He said, giving you one last kiss before cleaning himself up, leaving you laying on the floor with your panties sprawled next to you. He didn't bother to help you.
After laying there for a few minutes, you finally shot up from laying down and your eyes widened.
What the hell just happened?

What the hell just happened?•••

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End of CH 5

Short chapter! I'm not a long chapter person so don't expect a lot hehe.

Hope you enjoyed;)


Insta; basicyadiii
TikTok; godlevisupremacy

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