CH 12 (finale)

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The confusion spat on your faces. It was weird nonetheless. At the moment you both sat at an empty small table in the corner, talked it out over some coffee. 

"I'm sorry. That was so weird. How come we both said the same thing? It's odd" you remark.

"Yeah it really is. What did you see in your vision?" he leans more forward, intrigued.

"You, strangely, and buildings? I don't know it was all sky and windows." you clarify and his eyes meet yours. He looked a bit shocked. "Me too."

You stop drinking from your drink and look at him with a baffled face. You were starting to believe the theories that you existed in a past life, or that possibly you can meet someone you met in your past life. It was so frustrating though, not being able to remember something that the universe clearly doesn't want you to. You couldn't admit this till now but you had to be clear with this boy, because he now looks 100 percent familiar. Your dreams, he had been in some. 

"Look this might sound weird and all and i'm sorry in advance, but I've seen you before. Like I don't mean in person but in dreams or nightmares I've had lately, and it's always the same dream, over and over again." 

He furrows his brows. " as well. That's why when you turned around to give you your wallet, I recognized you and my head started hurting, which is what happened to you I assume." He says fiddling with his silver bracelet. You agree at his last comment. 

He sighs and stands up from his seat, handing over a card to you in advance. "Here, this is my number. I'd love to talk to you again regarding whatever this weird little mess were in is.

You take the card from him '(xxx)xxx-xxxx - Yuka Makoto'

"Thank you. I look forward to it too, Yuka" you lightly smile and shake his hand.

And he leaves, seeming to be in a rush.

He was cute.


To cut it short, you and Yuka became very good friends in these past few months. You would hang out and talk a lot and eventually he took you in to his house and introduced you to his parents. Unfortunately you both were never close to a clear answer of why you both had visions of each other. 

It was nearing Halloween, the most exciting month of the year and you loved it. Nothing funner than face paints, costumes, and candy. Unfortunately Yuri went out to the states to visit a family member and wasn't coming back until New Years which was such a bummer.

Yuka invited you to the plan of spending Halloween together, and even agreed on matching costumes.

And here you both were, giggling like little kids and laughing at stupid looking masks. He was very outgoing and easy to get along with, despite the three year age gap, him being 21 while you were only 18.

"Ouu try this one on" you giggled, passing the ghostface mask to him and he put it on, jokingly flexing his biceps after. "Hot."

"Shut up" he laughs, clearly flustered.

Among the masks you found a weird white one. It was plain white with black bands to hold it on the head. It has round black eye openings and a kind of creepy wide smile.

OBEY ME: Sniper Mask x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now